Timeline for Managing Your Grant and Staying Funded

Timeline for Managing Your Grant and Staying Funded

Visit Manage Your Award for the timing of your required reports and more. Foreign grantees and investigators should see Foreign Grants Management.

Timeline for Staying Funded

To ensure continuous funding, don’t wait until the end of your grant to apply for a renewal or a new grant. The entire funding process can take up to 19 months after the NIH due date.

TImeline for Staying Funded

This timeline depicts a strategy of staying funded by submitting multiple awards:

  • The number and timing of applications shown are for illustration purposes only.
  • In the first few years of your grant, you might send one or two applications for grants in other areas of science.
  • In the last year or two before your first grant ends, you could apply for a renewal of that grant.

See Approaches for Staying Funded for our advice.

Have Questions?

A program officer in your area of science can give you application advice, NIAID's perspective on your research, and confirmation that NIAID will accept your application.

Find contacts and instructions at When to Contact a NIAID Program Officer.

Content last reviewed on August 11, 2016