Technology Transformation Services

Mission: Improve the public’s experience with the government by helping agencies build, buy and share technology that allows them to better serve the public.

Our Technology Transformation Services organization applies modern methodologies and technologies to improve the public’s experience with government by helping agencies make their services more accessible, efficient, and effective, and by itself providing services that exemplify these values. We build, provide, and share technology applications, platforms, processes, personnel, and software solutions to federal agencies in an effort to help them better serve the public.

TTS offices and programs include:

  • Office of 18F: provides digital development and consulting services for any government agency or program
  • Office of Acquisitions (18F Acquisitions): drives smarter technology procurement through technical procurement consultations, new procurement vehicle creation, and the development of experimental procurement platforms and methodologies
  • Office of Investment (10X): invests and oversees funds entrusted to TTS through a monthly seed/A/B/C funding process and regular program reviews
  • IT Modernization Centers of Excellence: will manage centralized, function specific talent, solutions and acquisition vehicles. The CoE teams will provide technical expertise for the development of strategy/planning and implementation support
  • Presidential Innovation Fellowship (PIF): pairs talented, diverse technologists and innovators with top civil-servants and change-makers in the federal government to tackle some our nation’s biggest challenges
  • Product company (OPP): responsible for operations, evolution, and scaling of mature products and services that fall under five mission areas
  • Technology advisory/advocacy team: evaluates, comments, and helps shape emerging technical standards, policies, and strategies
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