United States Office of Government Ethics, Preventing Conflicts of Interest in the Executive Branch


Institute for Ethics in Government
OGE’s institute for Ethics in Government is the portal for ethics official education. Ethics officials can register for upcoming courses, access on-demand learning tools, check out our research blog, and request a speaker from the Institute.
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Education Tools for Required Training
The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) has developed a portfolio of education and training products agency ethics officials can use in conducting initial and annual ethics training. These education products were specifically designed to be customized by agencies and tailored to their missions and to the work their employees perform.
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OGE Summits & Conferences
Since 1991, The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) has hosted traditional conferences for ethics officials from throughout the executive branch. This year, OGE is introducing an alternative to the traditional format, at a fraction of the cost of past OGE conferences.
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