U.S Department of Veterans Affair

About Verification and Validation


All VA Apps must undergo a preproduction simulation, which is like a User Acceptance Test. You set up the app in an environment that simulates a production environment, and the App's Subject Matter Experts test that the App performs to their expectations. The extent of the simulation depends on the App. Apps that involve clinical evidence and Apps that read or write to the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) must be installed to work in the target VistA test site environment. The simulation may also need to adhere to a certain type of test rigor to meet the site's accreditation standards.

VA is currently updating and streamlining the process for conducting a preproduction simulation. We will be updating this section regularly as these processes are finalized. If you have an MAE JIRA account you can view the internal Release Stage procedures by visiting:

Perform Preproduction Simulation

These are the Simulation tasks in the latest workflow:

  1. The App's Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) hold a User Functionality Test Meeting.
  2. SMEs install the App in a preproduction environment.
  3. SMEs perform a series of test scenarios.
  4. If the App gathers any data, SMEs validate it.
  5. SMEs document and submit their findings.
  6. The Project Manager reviews and prioritizes the simulation findings.
  7. The Product Owner provides concurrence with the findings.