U.S Department of Veterans Affair

About VA Mobile Health Provider Program


The VA Mobile Health Provider Program is bringing mobile technology to VA medical centers across the nation. Since being launched in 2014, VA has issued mobile devices (tablets) to more than 12,000 care team members at 40+ VA sites. As the program evolves, additional sites and VA care teams will join the program.

VA medical facilities with mobile devices
VA medical facilities with mobile devices as of 2015

What types of VA care team members are using these devices?

A diverse range of VA care team members received devices in an effort to understand how devices can enhance workflows across the care spectrum. Regular program evaluations indicate that care team members find value in the program, especially for providing patient education, instantly accessing patient records, submitting progress notes and sending and receiving emails remotely. Read about the variety of ways mobile technology is improving patient care on our Success Stories page.

What’s next for the program?

As the program expands, so will the opportunities to use mobile technology to improve Veterans’ health care. In addition to the public mobile apps currently available on the tablets, VA will release a series of VA-developed mobile apps that will allow for mobile-optimized access to real-time VistA/CPRS information to inform clinical decisions. Other VA-developed apps will enable VA care teams to write progress notes, enter orders and support specific workflows. Find out more about VA-developed apps at the VA App Store.

Program Resources

  • Fact Sheet: For more detailed information about the program, check out the program fact sheet.
  • Testimonials Infographic: For a quick snapshot of how VA care teams are using their devices, check out the testimonials infographic.