U.S Department of Veterans Affair

Submitting an App for V&V


When the VA App code and required artifacts are ready for release, the Project Manager completes the Verification and Validation team (V&V) Intake Form and submits it to the V&V team for review. Store the document on the App's wiki space for all required artifacts and link it to the JIRA issue for tracking it's completion. In addition, the Project Manager should submit a change request asking that the VA App and any related code be moved to the integrated test environment.

These are the internal MAE locations of the forms for V&V:

Verification and Validation Intake Form Procedure: https://wiki.mobilehealth.va.gov/display/PDFMA/Verification+and+Validation+Intake+Form+Procedure

MAE Change Control Procedure: https://wiki.mobilehealth.va.gov/display/VAMFCCB/MAE+Change+Control+Procedure