United States Office of Government Ethics, Preventing Conflicts of Interest in the Executive Branch

Financial Disclosure

The U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) is responsible for implementing the public and confidential financial disclosure systems for the executive branch.  The purpose of both financial disclosure systems is to prevent conflicts of interest and to identify potential conflicts by providing for a systematic review of the financial interests of both current and prospective employees.

Employees report their financial interests on forms issued by OGE.  The confidential financial disclosure report is the OGE Form 450, and the public financial disclosure report is the OGE Form 278.

Presidential, Vice Presidential, Appointee, and Nominee Records
This page is used to access the public financial disclosure reports of the President and Vice President, Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, and others whose reports are required to be certified by OGE. Copies of ethics agreements may also be accessed using this page.
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Confidential Financial Disclosure
Executive branch employees who are less senior than public filers must report their financial interests, as well as other interests outside the Government, on the OGE Form 450.
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Public Financial Disclosure
Individuals subject to the public financial disclosure process include most political appointees as well as career officials above a certain pay threshold.
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Integrity is an electronic financial disclosure system for preventing conflicts of interest.
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Presidential Transition
Resources related to OGE's support of Presidential transitions.
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