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National Human Genome Research Institute Organization

NHGRI OrganizationOffice of the Director Division of Intramural Research  Division of Policy, Communications, and Education Division of Management Division of Genome Sciences Division of Genomic Medicine The Division of Genomics and Society The Division of Extramural Operations

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) leads the field of genomics by strategically investing in highly innovative studies needed to understand how the genome works and to use that knowledge to advance human health.

Originally created to lead the participation of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the International Human Genome Project (HGP), NHGRI now funds a wide range of research on the genome's structure, function, and role in health and disease, as well as investing in studies on the ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of genome research.

NHGRI develops the resources and technologies needed to accelerate genome research, trains the next generation of genomic investigators, and disseminates genome information to the public and to health professionals.

NHGRI is organized into seven divisions plus the Office of the Director:

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Last Reviewed: July 3, 2013