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Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy

Globe with genomic data aroundThe National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) supports and complies with all National Institutes of Health (NIH) data sharing policies.

Information about general NHGRI expectations for implementation of the NIH Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) PolicyPDF fileis provided in the table of contents above or in the navigation for this page on the left.

If applicable, Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) will specify additional data sharing expectations for specific programs.

Information about the NIH GDS Policy and expectations is available through the NIH GDS Policy website.

NHGRI will update this implementation plan as needed to maintain consistency with program priorities, agency policies or any trans-NIH implementation guidance. 


About the NIH & NHGRI GDS Policy
  • When the policy applies (scope & applicability)
  • Examples of projects subject to GDS Policy
  • Exceptions to GDS Policy
  • Informed Consent 
Data Submission
  • Find information about Data Sharing Plans, Requests for Exceptions to the GDS Policy, and the Process for Investigators Needing to Submit Data according to GDS Policy
Data Access

Resources for staff who wish to access data stored in dbGaP.

Additional Resources
Frequently Asked Questions

NIH-wide FAQs about genomic data sharing.


NHGRI-specific GDS Policy contact information.


Last Updated: April 6, 2018