The NEFSC Strategic Science Plan

Ecosystem-based science supporting stewardship of living marine resources under changing climatic conditions

The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) is a leader in marine science; our scientists and our science are recognized regionally, nationally, and internationally. In the coming years, this Plan will guide us as we build on a strong foundation of excellence in marine science.

Major objectives include:

  • Improved internal and external communication to ensure transparency, accountability, and trust;
  • Increased multidisciplinary, cross-cutting science enabled through greater investment in cooperative and collaborative research;
  • Improved efficiency and effectiveness in meeting commitments to statutory and regulatory requirements;
  • Scientific investigations that support progression toward ecosystem-based fisheries management; and
  • Investment in our people and infrastructure to enable us to meet our mission.

» Download the 2016-2021 NEFSC Strategic Science Plan

NEFSC Science & Research Director's Annual Guidance Memo for FY2019

This document presents a framework for the scientific enterprise of which the NEFSC is part- an enterprise that supports the stewardship of living marine resources in the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem. This document provides annual guidance under the 2016-2021 NEFSC Strategic Science Plan and defines core science activities and specific priorities for FY18.

» Download the Northeast Fisheries Science Center Science and Research Director's Annual Guidance Memorandum (AGM) for Fiscal Year 2019

» Download AGM for Fiscal Year 2018

» Download AGM for Fiscal Year 2017