FGIS References

Commodity Image Gallery

GIPSA's commodity images are public domain and may be freely used, duplicated, or distributed. Publication of these images should credit "USDA-GIPSA".

Directives & Notices

Every customer of the official grain inspection and weighing system, wherever they are located, receives consistent, accurate service. That's because every official service provider operates under uniform standards and procedure that are communicate to all official system partners through issuances called directives and notices.

eBook Library

eLearning Library

GIPSA has developed eLearning content for training entry level grain industry professionals and aiding experienced inspectors in fine tuning their skills. GIPSA works with grain firms and trade organizations to provide technical training targeted to grain industry needs.

GIPSA Merchandise

GIPSA makes available to the public a variety of grain inspection materials that are created for the United States Official Inspection System. These materials are available at wholesale pricing with a minimum order of $100 for any combination of items.

FGIS Handbooks

Every customer of the official grain inspection and weighing system receives consistent, accurate service because every official service provider operates under uniform standards and procedures that are communicated through technical handbooks.

Studies & Reports

Video Library

GIPSA’s Interactive eLearning content.

Visual Reference Library

Visual Reference Images (VRI) are used to ensure consistent and uniform application of grading lines and illustrate types of damage in conjunction with written descriptions. The visual grading aids system represents the foundation for the national inspection system's subjective quality control program, providing an effective management tool for aligning inspectors and assisting them in making proper and consistent subjective grading decisions. The system consists of a series of commodity specific VRI and descriptive text which help reduce the impact of normal perceptional differences between inspectors.