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CAP Goal IconModernize IT to Increase Productivity and Security

Goal Leaders

Steve Censky,
Deputy Secretary, United States Department of Agriculture

Suzette Kent,
Federal Chief Information Officer, Office of Management and Budget

Goal Statement

PMG_red_target_iconThe Executive Branch will build and maintain more modern, secure, and resilient information technology (IT) to enhance mission delivery and productivity – driving value by increasing efficiencies of Government IT spending while potentially reducing costs, increasing efficiencies, and enhancing citizen engagement and satisfaction with the services we provide.

The Challenge

PMG_red_target_iconThe challenge includes:   limited accountability for achieving enterprise-wide outcomes that enhance IT service effectiveness and reduce cybersecurity risks; slow adoption of cutting edge commercial technologies due to onerous acquisition and authorization processes; and federal agencies employ patchwork network architectures and rely on legacy systems that are costly and difficult to secure and upgrade.

The Opportunity

PMG_red_target_iconThere are opportunities to:   expand the use of modern commercial technologies that are effective, economical, and secure; reduce the impact of cybersecurity risks by safeguarding IT systems, sensitive data, and networks; leverage common solutions and innovative practices to improve efficiency, increase security, and ultimately meet citizens’ needs.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates

Key Performance Indicators

The President’s Management Agenda identifies cross-agency priority (CAP) goals to target those areas where multiple agencies must collaborate to effect change and report progress in a manner the public can easily track.

In this the section, find the key indicators from the CAP Goal Action Plan used to measure how this goal is performing.

View all Key Performance Indicators

In the News

In March 2018, the Federal Chief Information Officers Council brought together the nation’s top federal information technology executives to discuss strategies that engage, inspire, and motivate more women to pursue a career in IT.

Watch the Event