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CAP Goal IconSecurity Clearance, Suitability, and Credentialing Reform

Goal Leaders

Daniel Coats,
Director of National Intelligence, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Joseph Kernan,
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Department of Defense

Margaret Weichert,
Deputy Director of Management, Office of Management and Budget

Goal Statement

PMG_red_target_iconThe Federal Government will advance this goal through four work streams:

  • Trusted workforce. Instill a sense of shared responsibility by enabling a trusted workforce through consistent reporting requirements, awareness, and strengthened partnerships with other mission areas and industry;
  • Modern clearance process. Transform the Government’s approach at a fundamental level, revamping the policy framework and process to a more effective and efficient model that leverages the latest innovative technologies;
  • Secure, modern, and mission-capable information technology. Rebuild the end-to-end information technology to accelerate the implementation of new policies and processes and to improve the cyber security posture of the enterprise; and
  • Continuous performance improvement. Use outcome-based metrics, research and innovation, and an institutionalized Executive branch-wide model to continuously evaluate and improve policies and processes.

The Challenge

PMG_red_target_iconThe Government’s existing framework for establishing trust in the Federal civilian, military, and contracted workforce has struggled to onboard needed personnel efficiently and effectively, and to determine whether those workers can be consistently trusted to perform their duties and not to cause harm to people, property, systems, and information.

What Success Looks Like

PMG_red_target_iconA Federal workforce that reliably protects Federal Government people, property, systems, and information through an enhanced risk management framework, which features:

  • Improved early detection, enabled by an informed, aware, and responsible Federal workforce;
  • Quality decisions, enabled by improved investigative and adjudicative capabilities;
  • Optimized government-wide capabilities through enterprise approaches; and
  • Strong partnership with Federal Insider Threat programs to identify, deter, and mitigate problems before they negatively impact the workforce or national security.

Goal Action Plans & Progress Updates