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General Services Administration GSA logo

Agency Plans and Reports

Read the Agency's Strategic Plan

Read the Agency's Performance Plan and Report

Read the Agency's Other Documents Here


Deliver value and savings in real estate, acquisition, technology, and services across government


The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) was established on July 1, 1949, as a result of the Hoover Commission. The agency consolidated administrative functions across Government into one organization in order to avoid duplication, reduce cost, streamline the acquisition and distribution of supplies, and centralize the management of Federal buildings.

Over the subsequent seven decades, the nation’s population has more than doubled, the price of real estate in major cities has skyrocketed, and super-computers have gone from filling three-story rooms to fitting in our pockets. The world has become vastly more interconnected. Federal agencies are striving to match the pace of change, evolving to meet new domestic and global challenges and better serve the American public.

What has not changed is GSA’s steadfast commitment to support our Federal customers and stakeholders by providing cost-effective, high-quality services. Our entire focus is on delivering value to our partner agencies so they can focus their resources on fulfilling their own important missions to the American people.

Our agency provides the spaces, technical innovation, and goods and services essential to operate the Federal Government. We provide workplaces by constructing, managing, and preserving Government buildings and by leasing and managing commercial real estate. Our acquisition solutions offer private sector professional services, equipment, supplies, telecommunications, and information technology to Government organizations and the military. Our technology leadership helps agencies build, buy, and share technology in ways that support their missions to better serve the public. Our implementation of Government-wide policies promotes management best practices and efficient Government operations.

Our success relies on bringing together a talented and diverse workforce - including data scientists, real estate experts, architects, acquisition specialists, technologists, policy analysts - and building a cohesive, customer-focused team. The next section outlines GSA’s current organizational structure and our mission, vision, and values, followed by a summary of our strategy for the future.