Audiovisual Collections

The Reagan Presidential Library has a large audiovisual collection encompassing the two terms of Ronald Reagan's presidency and earlier career as well as many privately donated audiovisual collections.

The audiovisual staff can assist you to locate and purchase reproductions of items from the collection or you may search the collections below. Audiovisual staff can be reached at or (800) 410-8354. No appointment is required to conduct on-site research but to better serve you we recommend you call or email the Audiovisual Department to make an appointment prior to your visit. Research room hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday except federal holidays. Disclaimer for use of audiovisual collections. For PDF files you need Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download Adobe Acrobat please Click here.

White House Collections:

Privately Donated Photograph Collections:

Privately Donated Audiovisual Collections:

Federal Collections

Reagan Library YouTube Page

Reproduction Orders

To complete the order forms add contact information, describe photos or recordings by their collection name and item identification number, and return to

Ordering Information and Pricing

Photo/Digital File Order Form (PDF File)

Videotape/Audiotape/Digital File Order Form (PDF File)

White House Audiovisual Collections

White House Photographic Office 1981-89 (circa 1,550,550 photos)
This collection consists of color and black and white photographs taken by White House Photographers. The photographs are arranged chronologically and document the daily activities of President Reagan and Mrs. Reagan. Included are trips to Rancho Del Cielo, Camp David, meetings and press briefings. The collection is covered by the Presidential Records Act. The entire collection has been processed and the majority of photographs are open for research. View select digitized images from the Photo collection.

White House Photograph Collection Contact Sheets:

1981 (11MB PDF file)
1982 (12MB PDF file)
1983 (13MB PDF file)
1984 (13MB PDF file)
1985 (10MB PDF file)
1986 (10MB PDF file)
1987 (10MB PDF file)
1988-89 (12MB PDF file)

White House Television Office (WHTV) videotapes: 1981-89 (5,901 items)
The WHTV film crews provided daily coverage of President Reagan's activities. This collection is arranged chronological and includes oval office visits, speeches, state visits, domestic trips and foreign trips and bill signings. A list of President Reagan's major speeches is available. This collection is in the public domain. The collection is covered by the Presidential Records Act but most tapes are open for research.

WHTV Collection Inventory
1981-89 (17MB PDF file)

WHTV Collection Inventories (PDF Files):

White House Communications Agency (WHCA) videotapes: 1981-89 (6,917 items)
The WHCA collection consists of President Reagan's televised appearances on various networks. The videotapes are arranged chronologically and include speeches, press briefings and programs featuring President Reagan, Mrs. Reagan and White House staff; daily news reports from major news networks, Republican and Democratic National Conventions (1984 and 1988) and confirmation hearings. Viewing facilities are available at the Library and copies may be purchased. However, the majority of the collection is restricted by copyright.

General WHCA Collection Inventory:
1981-85 (600K file)
1985-89 (745K file)

WHCA Nightly News Summary Detailed Inventory:
1981-82 (1.3MB file)
1983-84 (3.3MB file)
1985-86 (3.2MB file)
1987-89 (2.2MB file)

White House Communications Agency (WHCA) audiotapes: 1981-89 (9,633 items)
The WHCA collection is arranged chronologically and consists of President Reagan's speeches, press briefings and other public statements. Also included are separate, smaller collections of Nancy Reagan statements and White House Staff statements. This collections are in the public domain.

President's Inventory 1981-89 (8MB PDF file)
First Lady's Inventory 1981-89 (300K PDF file)
Staff Inventory 1981-89 (4 MB PDF File)

White House Office of Media Relations: 1981-1988 (487 items)
This collection consists of President Reagan's public service announcements (PSAs) and taped messages on various subjects from the Presidential years. Also, included are Nancy Reagan's PSAs, interviews of various people, news reports, documentaries and Presidential and staff press briefings. This collection is in the public domain. Inventory (125K PDF file).

White House Office of Records Management Staff Exit Interviews: 1981-1988 (422 items)
Untranscribed audio recordings of interviews with departing White House staff, conducted by staff of the White House Office of Records Management and National Archives staff detailed to the White House. All interviews are open for research. This collection is in the public domain. You can listen to all available exit interviews and download them at the National Archives Catalog. You can view the Inventory (232K PDF file) here.

Privately Donated Photograph Collections

Geri Bauer Photograph Collection: 1940-50s (92 items)
Black and white photographs of Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan at their Malibu Canyon Ranch, horseback riding and publicity photos. Selected images The collection is in the public domain. Inventory (47K file) .

Arthur Van Court Photograph Collection: 1967-69 (2,744 items)
Color, Black and white photographs and slides of Governor Ronald Reagan working at the State Capitol, giving speeches and with Nancy Reagan and staff. Also, Governor Reagan horseback riding, staff parties and golfing. View Selected images. The collection is in the public domain. Inventory (228K PDF file).

Michael Evans Portrait Project Photograph Collection: 1981-84 (18,150 items)
Black and white photographs compiled for Michael Evans' photograph exhibit "Portrait Project" at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in 1985 and the book "People and Power: Portraits from the Federal Village." The collection is in the public domain. Selected images Inventory (284K PDF file).

Kathryn Davis Photograph Collection: 1967-68 (135 items)
Color and Black and white photographs of Governor Ronald Reagan.Selected images Inventory (101K PDF file).

Privately Donated Audiovisual Collections

General Electric Theater: 1954-57 (46 items)
30 minute black and white television episodes, many of which include Ronald Reagan as narrator or actor. There are also several commercials that include the Reagan family. Inventory (18K PDF file).

Ronald Reagan Gubernatorial Audiotape Collection: 1965-74 (715 items)
This collection consists of speeches, press briefings and interviews of Ronald Reagan during the gubernatorial campaigns and as Governor. Ordering information can be obtained here Order a Digital File or by contacting the AV department (e-mail-audiovisual-department). Inventory (220K PDF file).

Bernie Linstrom Audiovisual collection: 1981-85 (72 items)
President Reagan's filmed PSA messages for various organizations conducted at the White House from 1981-85. This collection is in the public domain. Inventory (53K PDF file).

Ronald Reagan Composite Collection of Audiovisual Material: 1940-2013 (2,711 items)
This collection consists of donated items from various individuals and events recorded off the air by Library staff from 1989 to the present.  It consists of speeches, television shows and documentaries, films, interviews, and photographs.  Much of this material has copyright restrictions. Inventory (346K PDF file).

C-SPAN Students and Leaders (Close Up Foundation): 1981-83 (55 items) Interviews with President Reagan and key officials of the Reagan Administration by High School students. Donated to the White House. Sponsored by C-SPAN Inventory (PDF file).

Ronald Reagan Library Oral History Collection, 2001-2004 (17 items)
Videotaped and Audiotaped interviews conducted at the Reagan Presidential Library. Please note that the quality varies on these videotapes. Inventory (53K PDF file).

Federal Audiovisual Collections

John Hinckley Jr. Collection (FBI) 1976-82, (2,268 items)
The collection consists of videotapes, photographs and negatives compiled by the FBI in the Investigation of John Hinckley Jr.'s attempted assassination of President Reagan on March 30, 1981. The collection includes photographs of the actual attempt, aftermath, investigation and re-creation of the event by the FBI. Also, background footage of the attempt, and aftermath. The majority of this collection is in the public domain except for news footage/stories of the attempt. Inventory (PDF file)

National Archives Collection of Records of Inaugural Committees (RG274) 1980-81, Audiovisual items Transferred from Textual Collection (8,266 items)
The collection consists of videotapes, audiotapes and photographs created by the 1981 Inaugural Committee in preparing for Ronald Reagan's 1981 Inauguration. This collection is in the public domain. Inventory (63K PDF file).

Donated and Miscellanious Collections
The other AV collections have been transferred from many sources: WHORM Alpha File, WHORM Subject File, Staff Member and Office Files and Personal Collections. The Library also has items stored under courtesy storage such as the 1980 and 1984 Campaign Collections and the Reagan Family Personal Photo Collection. No inventory available online.