The following are summaries and other information related to Proposed Rules that the Department of Social Services has submitted to the Secretary of State for Publication in the Missouri Register. These rules will not go into effect until the public has had an opportunity to submit written comments, and to attend a public hearing if one is scheduled.

Any person may offer comments on a Proposed Rule. The instructions for submitting comments, and the location and date of a hearing if one is scheduled, are located after the text of each rule.  And, you may email comments on a Proposed Rule to Please note that the official text of a Proposed Rule is the version that appears in the Missouri Register, not the draft copy on this site. Refer to the official copy if you wish to submit comments.

We hope you find this site helpful and informative.

Proposed Rule Summary Fiscal Note(s) Link to
Date Posted
13 CSR 110-7.010 Community-Based Diversionary Programs No Missouri Register – January 2, 2019
Volume 44, Number 1 (Pages 97-99)
