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NINR's Role in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

All ARRA grant application deadlines are now expired.

To learn more about NIH ARRA projects, including funding maps by state or congressional district, featured topics, and project profiles, visit

Overview of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Recovery logo

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) was signed into law by President Obama on February 17th, 2009. It was an unprecedented opportunity to jumpstart our economy, create or save millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century. The Act was an extraordinary response to a crisis unlike any since the Great Depression, and included measures to modernize our nation's infrastructure, enhance energy independence, expand educational opportunities, preserve and improve affordable health care, provide tax relief, and protect those in greatest need.


From the Department of Health and Human Services
For an overview of the Recovery Act, please visit:
For information on implementation of the Recovery Act, please visit:

From the National Institutes of Health

Recovery logo

NIH and the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act

Learn more about NIH programs that issue grants under the Recovery Act:

View a message from the NINR Director
NINR's Role in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) (February 27, 2009)

View a message from the Acting NIH Director
NIH's Role in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) (February 25, 2009)

Resources for Applicants

Information on Quarterly Reporting for Recovery Act Award Recipients: See

Awardees of Administrative Supplements Providing Summer Research Experiences
For grantees who have applied for and received administrative supplements for summer research experiences under NOT-OD-09-060 that wish to announce the availability of summer positions in their organization, NIH has established a website to assist. Please visit:

Note from NIH on Re-Submitting Applications Originally Submitted for Challenge Grants: See

Help in Interpreting the New Review Scores: See

Archived Inactive Funding Opportunities

The NIH Director's ARRA Funded Pathfinder Award to Promote Diversity in the Scientific Workforce (DP4) (RFA-OD-10-013)

This Funding Opportunity Announcement introduced a new research grant program to encourage exceptionally creative individual scientists to develop highly innovative and possibly transforming approaches for promoting diversity within the biomedical research workforce. 
For more information, please see the full announcement at

Framework Programs for Global Health Signature Innovations Initiative (R24) (RFA-OD-10-007)

This opportunity provided short-term support to U.S. universities and their partners to build capacity to train postdoctoral investigators to carry out innovative, multidisciplinary research in Global Health and to attract new investigators with diverse expertise into this research field. 

For more information, please see the full announcement at:

Administrative Supplements for the Purchase of Scientific Equipment (NOT-OD-09-056)

Through NIH Notice NOT-OD-09-056, NINR sought applications for administrative supplements to existing awards to support the purchase of scientific equipment.

For more information from NINR on Equipment-related Administrative Supplements:

Administrative Supplements for Summer Research Experiences (NOT-OD-09-060Through NIH Notice NOT-OD-09-060, NINR sought applications for Administrative Supplements to provide summer research experiences for students and science educators.

For more information from NINR on Administrative Supplements for Summer Research Experiences:

Recovery Act Opportunities Under the NIH Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network (OppNet)NIH released several Funding Opportunity Announcements under the NIH Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network (OppNet). OppNet is a trans-NIH initiative to expand the agency's funding of basic behavioral and social sciences research (b-BSSR).

For a list of Recovery Act-supported OppNet FOAs and an NINR contact, please see:

For more information about OppNet, visit:

NIH Director's Opportunity for Research in Five Thematic Areas (RC4) (RFA-OD-10-005)

This Recovery Act Funding Opportunity Announcement solicited applications from institutions/organizations proposing to develop and implement critical research innovations in one or more of the following five thematic areas:
--Applying Genomics and Other High Throughput Technologies
--Translating Basic Science Discoveries into New and Better Treatments
--Using Science to Enable Health Reform
--Focusing on Global Health
--Reinvigorating the Biomedical Research Community 

For more information, please see the full announcement at:  

For inquiries regarding this announcement, please contact:
Linda S. Weglicki, PhD, RN
Health Science Administrator
Division of Extramural Activities
National Institute of Nursing Research
National Institutes of Health
Phone: 301-594-6908
Fax: 301-480-8260

Please see NOT-OD-09-100 for a review and clarification of NIH Policies on Similar, Identical, or Essentially Identical Applications, Submission of Applications Following RFA Review, and Submission of Applications with a Changed Activity Code:

NIH Challenge Grants in Health and Science Research (RFA-OD-09-003)

The NIH designated at least $200 million in FYs 2009-2010 for an initiative called the NIH Challenge Grants in Health and Science Research. This program supported research on topic areas that address specific scientific and health research challenges in biomedical and behavioral research that would benefit from significant 2-year jumpstart funds. (Please note: This Funding Opportunity Announcement has expired. The application due date was April 27, 2009.)

For information on NINR Challenge Topics under the Challenge Grant initiative:

For general information on the Challenge Grant initiative:  

Frequently Asked Questions (03/13/2009)

Research and Research Infrastructure "Grand Opportunities" (RC2) (RFA-OD-09-004)

The NIH established a new program entitled Research and Research Infrastructure "Grand Opportunities." This program supported projects that addressed large, specific, biomedical and biobehavioral research endeavors that would have benefited from significant 2-year funds, without the expectation of continued NIH funding beyond two years. The research supported by the "GO" grants program should have high short-term impact, and a high likelihood of enabling growth and investment in research within NINR's mission and priority science areas germane to the 'science of health.' (Please note: This Funding Opportunity Announcement has expired. The application due date was May 29, 2009.)

For information on NINR scientific topics of interest and NINR-specific requirements under this opportunity:

Methodology Development in Comparative Effectiveness Research (RC4) (RFA-OD-10-009) This Funding Opportunity Announcment sought applications to enhance, develop, or evaluate methodologies to improve the efficiency, validity, and credibility of comparative effectiveness research (CER) studies. (Please note: this Funding Opportunity Announcement has expired. The application due date was February 26, 2010.)

For more information, please see the full announcement at:

Administrative Supplements for Comparative Effectiveness Research Workforce Development (NOT-OD-10-037) This opportunity allowed investigators with active NIH research grants to request administrative supplements for the purpose of expanding the numbers of researchers qualified to oversee or conduct comparative effectiveness research (CER). (Please note: this announcement has expired. The application due date was March 1, 2010.)

For more information, please see the full announcement at:

Building Sustainable Community-Linked Infrastructure to Enable Health Science Research (RC4) (RFA-OD-09-010)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), supported by ARRA, was to support the development, expansion, or reconfiguration of infrastructures needed to facilitate collaboration between academic health centers and community-based organizations for health science research. Such collaboration should transform the way in which health science research is conducted in communities, and accelerate the pace, productivity, dissemination, and implementation of health research. (Please note: This announcement has expired. The due date for submitting applications was December 11, 2009.)

For more information, including NINR program priorities and contacts for this FOA, please visit:

View the FOA at:

Supporting New Faculty Recruitment to Enhance Research Resources through Biomedical Research Core Centers (P30) (RFA-OD-09-005)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement, supported by ARRA, was to support the hiring of newly-recruited faculty to develop research projects within the context of Biomedical Core Centers. For this announcement, a Biomedical Core Center was defined as a community of multidisciplinary researchers focusing on areas of biomedical research relevant to NINR. These awards were designed to enhance innovative programs of excellence by providing scientific and programmatic support for promising research faculty and their areas of research. Specifically for the purposes of this announcement, Core Center Grants were institutional awards that provide funding to hire, provide appropriate start-up packages, and develop pilot research projects for newly independent investigators. (Please note: This announcement has expired. The due date for submitting applications was May 29, 2009.)

For information on NINR areas of interest and NINR-specific funding priorities under this opportunity, please view the NINR entry in the table at the following link:

Administrative Supplements to Support Core Consolidation (NOT-RR-10-001)

This was an opportunity for investigators and institutions/organizations with certain active NIH Research Grants that support core facilities to request administrative supplements for the purpose of consolidating multiple cores into a single, more efficient core. (Please note: this opportunity has expired. Applications were due January 13, 2010.)

For more information, please refer to the Notice at:

Competitive Revisions and Administrative Supplements
Competitive Revisions
--(NOT-OD-09-058) NIH Announced the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Competitive Revision Applications (Please note: This announcement has expired. The application due date was April 21, 2009.)
--For information from NINR on Competitive Revisions  

Administrative Supplements
--(NOT-OD-09-056) NIH Announced the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Administrative Supplements (Please note: This announcement has expired. The due date for submitting applications to NINR was June 1, 2009.)
--For information from NINR on Administrative Supplements:

Administrative Supplements for Summer Research Experiences
--(NOT-OD-09-060) NIH Announced the Availability of Recovery Act Funds for Administrative Supplements Providing Summer Research Experiences for Students and Science Educators (Please note: This announcement has expired. The due date for submitting applications to NINR was May 1, 2009.)
--For information from NINR on Administrative Supplements for Summer Research Experiences:

Instrumentation Funding Opportunity

--High-End Instrumentation Grant Program (S10) (Link to announcement: PAR-09-118) (Please note: This announcement has closed.)

Academic Research Enhancement Awards (R15) (RFA-OD-09-007)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), supported by ARRA, was to stimulate research in schools of nursing that provide baccalaureate or advanced degrees for a significant number of the Nation's research scientists, but that have not been major recipients of NIH support. (Please note: This Funding Opportunity Announcement has expired. The application due date was September 24, 2009.)

For more information, including NINR program priorities and contacts for this FOA, please visit:

Opportunities for Small Business and For-Profit Organizations

Biomedical Research, Development, and Growth to Spur the Acceleration of New Technologies (BRDG-SPAN) Pilot Program (RC3) (RFA-OD-09-008)

The purpose of this pilot program was to address the funding gap between promising research and development and transitioning to the market by contributing to the critical funding needed by applicants to pursue the next appropriate milestone(s) toward ultimate commercialization; i.e. to carry out later stage research activities necessary to that end. For more information: (Please note: This Funding Opportunity Announcement has expired. The application due date was September 1, 2009.)

Small Business Catalyst Awards for Accelerating Innovative Research (R43) (RFA-OD-09-009)

This opportunity invited grant applications from small business concerns that proposed to accelerate innovation through high risk, high reward research and development that had commercial potential and was relevant to the mission of NIH. For more information: (Please note: This Funding Opportunity Announcement has expired. The application due date was September 1, 2009.)

Construction/Renovation Funding Opportunities--Core Facility Renovation, Repair, and Improvement (G20) (Link to announcement: RFA-RR-09-007) (Please note: This Funding Opportunity Announcement has expired. The application due date was September 17, 2009.)
--Extramural Research Facilities Improvement Program (C06) (Link to announcement: RFA-RR-09-008) (Please note: This Funding Opportunity Announcement has expired. The expiration date was July 18, 2009.)


For the complete, up-to-date list of important Notices regarding NIH implementation of the Recovery Act, including updates and clarifications, please visit

--NOT-OD-10-043 (1/8/2010) - ARRA Administrative Supplements: Clarification on FY 2010 Applications
--NOT-OD-09-138 (8/19/2009) - Recovery Act of 2009: Opens for Registration
--NOT-OD-09-129 (7/31/2009) - Recovery Act of 2009: Information on Quarterly Reporting Requirements for NIH Award Recipients
--NOT-OD-09-104 (05/29/2009) - Error Correction Window Extended for Electronic Submission of NIH Opportunities with Due Dates Between May 20 and May 29, 2009
--NOT-OD-09-100 (05/15/2009) - Reminder and Clarification of NIH Policies on Similar, Identical, or Essentially Identical Applications, Submission of Applications Following RFA Review, and Submission of Applications with a Changed Activity Code
--NOT-NR-09-008 (04/03/2009) - Announcement of Participation of NINR on RFA-OD-09-004, Recovery Act Limited Competition for NIH Grants: Research and Research Infrastructure "Grand Opportunities" (RC2)
--NOT-OD-09-061 (03/06/2009) - Clarification to RFA-OD-09-003-Recovery Act Limited Competition: NIH Challenge Grants in Health and Science Research (RC1)
--NOT-RR-09-008 (03/05/2009) - Addition of Recovery Funds to the Shared Instrumentation Grant Program
--NOT-OD-09-054 (03/04/2009) - Recovery Act of 2009: NIH Review Criteria, Scoring System, and Suspension of Appeals Process

Note: Organizations must register in both and ERA Commons to apply for most NIH Grants.

Registration can take approximately four weeks to complete. Start now!

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