This is a public dashboard showing how Federal agencies are performing on the Open Data Policy. Learn more

Current Milestone: The milestone selected is still in progress. The status of each field will be updated as frequently as possible, but won't be final until the milestone has passed

CFO Act Agencies Leading Indicators Strategy
Enterprise Data Inventory
Public Data Listing
Public Engagement
Privacy & Security
Human Capital
Use & Impact
Department of Commerce            
Department of Defense            
Department of Defense            
Department of Defense            
Department of Defense            
Department of Defense            
Department of Education            
Department of Education            
Department of Education            
Department of Homeland Security            
Department of Homeland Security            
Department of Housing and Urban Development            
Department of Housing and Urban Development            
Department of Housing and Urban Development            
Department of Housing and Urban Development            
Department of Justice            
Department of Labor            
Department of Labor            
Department of Labor            
Department of Labor            
Department of Labor            
Department of Labor            
Department of Labor            
Department of Labor            
Department of Labor            
Department of State            
Department of State            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
Department of the Treasury            
General Services Administration            
General Services Administration            
National Science Foundation            
National Science Foundation            
Nuclear Regulatory Commission            
Office of Personnel Management            
Office of Personnel Management            
Office of Personnel Management            
Office of Personnel Management            
Office of Personnel Management            
Office of Personnel Management            
Office of Personnel Management            
Office of Personnel Management            
Office of Personnel Management            
Small Business Administration            
Small Business Administration            
Small Business Administration            
Small Business Administration            
Small Business Administration            
Small Business Administration            
U.S. Agency for International Development            
U.S. Agency for International Development