Fees and payment

Access the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) systems you need for filing and paying online, and for payment information.

List of patent fees (current fee schedule)

List of trademark fees (current fee schedule)

Online payments




Electronic Filing System (EFS-Web) for unregistered users

Use this for basic, initial patent filing

Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS)

File and pay for trademark application and other related forms

Fees Self-Service Portal

Access Financial Manager and the Patent Maintenance Fees Storefront

Electronic Filing System (EFS-Web) for registered users

Use this for enhanced filing, additional processing, and saved submissions

Electronic Trademark Assignment System (ETAS)

Record assignment (ownership) and changes in assignment

Financial Manager

Store and manage payment methods online, add users and assign user permissions to stored payment methods, and generate transaction reports

Patent Maintenance Fees Storefront

View and pay patent maintenance fees, submit a bulk file payment, and view bulk payment history 

Electronic System for Trademark Trials and Appeals (ESTTA)

File Trademark Trial and Appeal Board documents

List of Fees

View the current fee schedule

Patent Trial and Appeal Board End to End (PTAB E2E)

File Patent Trial and Appeal Board documents

Trademark documents

Order certified copies of trademarks and download uncertified copies


Patent documents

Order certified copies of patents and download uncertified copies



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