

Op-Ed: Countdown for the 2020 Census. We are ready!

Every decade, the Census Bureau fulfills its critical, constitutionally mandated mission to count every person living in the United States. As technology becomes ever more complex and we are drawn closer together through social media, the Census Bureau has adapted to the shifting landscape. In fact, the 2020 Census is engineered to be the most robust and technologically advanced census in history....

Op-Ed: Trump is Keeping His Promises to Forgotten Coal Communities

On inauguration day, President Donald J. Trump promised America that “the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.” In few areas was that promise better fulfilled than for American coal miners. Before the president took office, eight years of the “War on Coal” had taken its toll on our proud and once thriving coal communities. Between January 2009 and February 2017, the...

Op-Ed: Commerce Department, NOAA Provide Essential Services When Disaster Strikes

Charleston knows all too well the hazards that hurricanes can pose to life, property and commerce. But the place that three-quarters of a million people call home, and the site of the fourth-largest port on the East Coast, does not face this threat alone. The Department of Commerce and our National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stand ready before, during and after any storm to help the...

Op-Ed: Transatlantic Privacy Deal is Vital to Trade

As dozens of officials from the US and the EU convene in Brussels this week for the second annual review of the EU-US Privacy Shield framework, they can take pride in one overriding fact: Privacy Shield works. The Privacy Shield framework, which governs transatlantic exchanges of personal data, works for European individuals by creating enforceable privacy protections and multiple layers of...

Op-Ed: Leveling the Playing Field for American Workers

Manufacturing is booming again in America. Production lines are rolling, smelters are aglow, and Made in America products are spreading around the globe. On this Manufacturing Day, Americans around the country can celebrate the growing manufacturing revival due to the tireless efforts of President Donald J. Trump and those in his Administration. We are focused on leveling the playing field and...

Op-Ed: A Launching Point for Growth in the U.S.-Greece Relationship

Last October, President Trump accepted Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ invitation for the United States to be the honored country at the 83 rd Thessaloniki International Fair. (TIF). The U.S. Pavilion and our extensive commercial, defense and cultural representation at the Fair symbolize the strong U.S. support for Greece throughout its long economic crisis and our commitment to continue this...

Op-Ed: Our National Security Depends on a Healthy Aluminum Industry

The United States cannot expect to field a modern military if it does not have the capability to produce the high-purity aluminum required to build and maintain armaments used by our military. President Donald J. Trump understands this essential principle, and therefore made a historic decision on March 8, 2018, to apply a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum from any country that has not...

Op-Ed: White House Help for Aluminum Industry Benefits Western Kentucky, Workers

By Mike Bless, President and Chief Executive Officer, Century Aluminum Wednesday, Kentucky will welcome U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to usher in a new era of economic growth for the commonwealth. Century Aluminum, America’s largest primary aluminum producer, will host a ceremonial restart as we increase production at the Hawesville, Kentucky primary aluminum smelter by 60 percent. That will...