The Missouri Department of Higher Education collects and reports information on tuition and fees at Missouri's public and independent colleges and universities. Comprehensive tuition and fee schedules are collected annually from Missouri public institutions. Tuition and fee information is also available from independent institutions via reporting to the U.S. Department of Education.

Comprehensive Fee Data for Missouri Public Institutions

(Source: MDHE Comprehensive Fee Schedule)

Reported data for each institution include tuition and fees charged to typical full-time students, as well as per-credit hour tuition charged to most students, although other charges may be associated with certain programs and/or courses. For two-year institutions these totals are reported as charged to students within the college's taxing district (if applicable), as well as to students from elsewhere in-state and out-of-state. Totals for four-year institutions are reported as charged to undergraduate and graduate students from in-state (MO resident) and out-of-state (non-MO resident). MDHE Comprehensive Fee Schedule data is based on 30 credit hours annualized and is typically published in the July prior to the academic year.

FY 2019 (Academic Year 2018-2019)

Updated 8-13-2018


FY 2018 (Academic Year 2017-2018)

Updated 7-26-2017


FY 2017 (Academic Year 2016-2017)

Updated 7-26-2016


FY 2016 (Academic Year 2015-2016)

Updated 7-22-2015

Tuition Review

Tuition and fees are set by the governing board of the individual institution, and are reported to the Missouri Department of Higher Education and the U.S. Department of Education for publication.

Beginning with the 2008-2009 academic year, if a public institution's tuition and fee increase over the previous year exceeds an amount set by a formula which incorporates the average tuition among public four-year institutions in the state and State Technical College, as well as the national urban consumer price index (CPI-U), the institution must either remit five percent of its state appropriation or request a waiver from the Commissioner of Higher Education. If the Commissioner determines that a waiver is not warranted, a recommendation will be made to the Coordinating Board on the remission of funds up to five percent of state appropriations. The Coordinating Board will then make a binding and final decision on the matter.

For more details, see Higher Education Student Funding Act (HESFA).