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Are you living healthy?

Are you living healthy?

Check out all of the resources available to you!

New Benefit now available: Omada

New Benefit now available: Omada

See the doctor or therapist at home

See the doctor or therapist at home

Quick Links

Contact INSPD Benefits

Contact the Benefits Hotline 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

By phone
Monday through Friday, EST (317) 232-1167 within Indianapolis area
1-877-248-0007 toll-free outside Indianapolis

By email:

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At you can review your up-to-date medical claims from the state's health, dental and vision provider. If you have not registered with Anthem online, you will need to do that before you have access.


Employee Assistance Program

Anthem EAP

The Anthem EAP program is a free service for all state employees and those in their household. The tools and resources are available 24/7 and are completely confidential.


Additional Benefits Resources

Benefit Policies/Guidelines

Offboarding - Leaving State Employment?

Employees who are thinking of resigning or retiring from a position with the state of Indiana, or who have been informed of a dismissal, can find on this page general information and links to resources about benefits, obligations and programs related to leaving state government. Note that the individual application and impact of each program or benefit is dependent upon each employee's specific, factual situation. (Visit the SPD Offboarding website)

State Disability Program

The purpose is to provide income replacement and insurance premium continuation for state employees who are unable to work due to illness or non-occupational injury. The program includes both Short-Term Disability (STD) benefits and Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits. The Disability Program is provided to employees as a bridge to sustain employees financially either to a full recovery, partial recovery or permanent disability through Social Security.

State Worker’s Compensation Program

The state provides a Worker's Compensation Program for all employees, as required by Indiana Code 22-3-1-1 through 22-3-12-5. The purpose of the Worker's Compensation Program is to provide the statutory benefits afforded an employee that is injured in the course and scope of his or her employment. The state takes seriously the responsibility of providing high quality medical care with the goal of a full recovery and return to work.