Health Plan Options for 2018

The state is offering four statewide medical plans for 2018: Wellness Consumer-Driven Health Plan (Wellness CDHP), Consumer-Driven Health Plan 1 (CDHP1), Consumer-Driven Health Plan 2 (CDHP2) and Traditional Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). All four available plans are in the National (BlueCard) PPO network with Anthem and have a prescription drug plan through CVS Caremark. Each plan has differences in premium costs, deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums.

Please note, in order to be eligible to enroll in the 2018 Wellness CDHP you must have reached an Earned Status of Silver in Go365 on August 31, 2017. This means all points were processed and posted to your Go365 account by the August 31 deadline. If you qualify for the Wellness CDHP and wish to enroll in the plan for 2018, you must select this option within your Open Enrollment event. You are not automatically enrolled in the plan unless you are enrolled in the Wellness Plan for the 2017 plan year. If you are enrolled in the 2017 Wellness CDHP but do not qualify for the 2018 Wellness CDHP, your coverage automatically switches to CDHP 1, unless you actively elect another plan.

Compare the Plans

Plan Summaries

Wellness CDHP

Traditional PPO

Wellness CDHP 

CDHP1 CDHP2 Traditional PPO
Single $2,500 $2,500/ $1,500 $750 / $1,500
Family $5,000 $5,000/ $3,000 $1,500 / $3,000
Out-of-Pocket Maximum*        
Single $4,000 $4,000 $3,000 $3,000 / $6,000
Family 8,000 $8,000 $6,000 $6,000 / $12,000
 - individual embedded $7,350 $7,350 N/A N/A
In-Network 20% 20% 20% 30%
Out-of-Network 40% 40% 40% 30%

Also see:

2018 Plan Comparison - This document includes information related to office visits, inpatient, ER, urgent care, wellness and prevention and medicine as they relate to each plan.

2018 Maximum Exposure Calculations - Please note these examples assume employee takes advantage of the Non-Tobacco Use Incentive and costs are incurred within the Anthem provider network.

Family Out-of-Pocket Changes for Wellness CDHP and CDHP 1

The individual embedded out-of-pocket maximum for the family Wellness CDHP and CDHP 1 changes in 2018 from $7,150 to $7,350. The individual embedded out-of-pocket maximum saves families money by limiting the cost spent on any one person to $7,350. Once a family member meets the individual embedded out-of-pocket maximum, all claims incurred by that family member are 100 percent paid by the plan. The other family members on the plan continue to pay the coinsurance amounts for any claims they incur until the family out-of-pocket maximum of $8,000 is reached.


Traveling abroad?

As a Blue Cross and Blue Shield member, you take your healthcare benefits with you when you are abroad. Through the Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core program, you have access to doctors and hospitals around the world.