Health, Wellness, and Nutrition

ACL health and wellness programs help older adults and people with disabilities to remain as healthy and independent as possible in their homes and communities. Programs address prevention, chronic disease self-management, and more.

  • Behavioral Health - ACL provides resources for supporting behavioral health to aging and disability network community-based organizations. 
  • Brain Health - Information and tips about understanding and maintaining a healthy brain.
  • Care Transitions - This effort supports states to strengthen the Aging and Disability Resource Centers in implementing evidence-based care transition models to engage older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers for improving care transitions. 
  • Centers for Independent Living - These community-based non-profit organizations are consumer controlled and promote and practice the independent living philosophy. They offer a wide range of services, including many that can improve the health and wellness of people with disabilities. Many offer support in navigating health and service systems.
  • Chronic Disease Self-Management - These programs provide people with disabilities and older adults with education and tools to help them manage chronic conditions. 
  • Diabetes Self-Management - ACL provides tools and resources for community-based organizations to help individuals manage their diabetes.
  • Health Promotion - Grants to states and territories support programs for older adults to promote healthy lifestyles and support healthy behaviors.
  • Falls Prevention - These grants use evidence-based community programs to reduce falls, which is a leading cause of injury for older adults. 
  • HIV/AIDS - ACL provides tools and resources for helping people living with HIV/AIDS, particularly as they age.
  • Nutrition - Grants to states support nutrition services for older adults across the country through home-delivered meal and congregate meal providers. 
  • Oral Health - ACL promotes innovative oral health programs and provides information about this health issue.
  • University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs) – ACL-funded centers at universities in every state and territory work to improve the health and well-being of people with developmental disabilities by training health professionals, conducting cutting-edge research, offering model diagnostic and clinical services, and providing resources for individuals, families and professionals.

Last modified on 04/26/2018

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