Ohmsett Oil Spill Research Facility

BSEE is the principal federal agency funding offshore oil spill response research, and Ohmsett is a key part of the Bureau's Oil Spill Response Research Program. Many of today's commercially available oil spill response products have been tested at Ohmsett and a considerable body of knowledge, including performance data, has been obtained there. This data is used by manufacturers for product development and validation, and by response planners in reviewing and approving facility response and contingency plans.

Ohmsett is located at Naval Weapons Station Earle, Waterfront, in Leonardo, NJ. Research and training activities center around Ohmsett’s 667-foot long wave/tow tank, which is filled with 2.6 million gallons of saltwater.  The facility is used by government agencies, academia, and private industry from around the world.

Ohmsett is the premier training venue for oil spill response personnel. Government agencies, including the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as private industry and oil spill response organizations, train their emergency response personnel using real oil and full-scale equipment. Recent research and testing efforts include remote sensing of surface slicks and suspended oil plumes, evaluating mechanical recovery and containment equipment such as sorbents, skimmers and booms, assessing chemical treating agents, such as dispersants and herders, and conducting USCG and industry-led oil spill response training classes.

Representatives from more than 36 countries have conducted tests or training at the Ohmsett facility.
