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Our Privacy Policy

Collection of Information

The collection of information that will be used to address your complaint is authorized by 39 USC 404, 18 USC 3061, and 5 USC, App. 3. It may be disclosed under the conditions listed below.

  • To an agency that requests the information in the course of a background check

  • To a government agency, domestic or foreign, for law enforcement purposes, if pertinent, in a legal proceeding to which the USPS is a party or has an interest

  • To a government agency to obtain information relevant to a USPS decision on employment, security clearances, contracts, licenses, grants, permits or other benefits

  • To a government agency, by request, when relevant to a decision on employment, security clearances, security or suitability investigations, contracts, licenses, grants, permits or other benefits

  • To a congressional office at your request

  • To an expert, consultant, or other person under contract with the USPS to fulfill an agency function

  • To the Federal Records Center for storage; to the Office of Management and Budget for review of private relief  legislation 

  • To an independent certified public accountant during an official audit of USPS finances; to an investigator, administrative judge or complaints examiner appointed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for investigation of a formal EEO complaint under 29 CFR 1614

  • To the Merit System Protection Board or Office of Special Counsel for the National Labor Relations Act; to an appropriate foreign or international law enforcement agency, organization or individual for investigative or prosecutorial purposes

  • To assist in crime prevention or detection

  • To obtain information relating to a pending investigation, trial or hearing

  • To obtain the cooperation of a witness or informant, or to notify of the status of the case

  • To a party or their attorney to discuss settlement, plea bargaining or discovery proceedings

  • To an agency or individual concerned with maintenance, extradition or release of a person held in custody

  • To a foreign country pursuant to an international treaty, convention or executive agreement

  • To the public, news media, trade associations or organized groups, if it is of interest, on accomplishments of the Postal Service or its employees

  • To a foreign country when apprehending or returning a fugitive to a jurisdiction seeking return to American Insurance Association Index System members if it relates to accidents or injuries

  • To explicit information from or alert organizations or individuals that share an electronic bulletin board with respect to potential criminal activity