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United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

Defense leaders remain focused on efforts to strengthen relationships and modernize U.S. alliances in the Asia-Pacific region as a priority for 21st century security interests and sustaining U.S global leadership.

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: Carter Focuses on Asia-Pacific Rebalance

Pacom Commander: China's Land Reclamation Has Broad Consequences

China's assertiveness in the South China Sea is an issue the American public must know about and the U.S. must address, Navy Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr. said during a security forum panel discussion. Story

Commander Reaffirms Alliance With South Korea

During a visit to South Korea, U.S. Navy Adm. Scott Swift, commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet, emphasized the U.S. Navy's enduring alliance with South Korea as a cornerstone of Indo-Asia-Pacific regional stability. Story

U.S., Australian Soldiers Wrap Up Talisman Sabre Exercise

About 300 soldiers with I Corps completed their part in Talisman Sabre 2015. Story

Exercise Talisman Sabre in Full Swing Off Australian Coast

U.S. and Australian forces took part in a massive amphibious landing as part of Talisman Sabre 2015. Story

U.S. Sailors Help Build Relationships in Asia-Pacific

The crew of aircraft carrier USS George Washington welcomed aboard visitors from Japan, Australia and New Zealand as part of the training exercise Talisman Sabre 2015. Story

Carter: Vietnam War, Veterans Taught Important Lessons

As the United States and Vietnam work to mend and strengthen relations, a congressional ceremony commemorated a time 50 years ago when the two nations parted ways. Story

Carter, Chinese Official Discuss Military Relationship, Security, Maritime Issues

Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Gen. Fan Changlong, vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, exchanged views on key issues of mutual concern during a meeting at the Pentagon, Defense Department officials reported. Story

Work: Institute Supports Asia-Pacific Rebalance, DoD Innovation Initiative

Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work delivered the keynote speech at the inaugural conference of the China Aerospace Studies Institute, newly established by the Air Force and the RAND Corp. Story

U.S. Army Paratroopers Land Down Under for Talisman Sabre

More than 400 Army paratroopers, from the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, parachuted from seven C-17 Globemasters onto Kapyong Air Field, Australia, as part of Exercise Talisman Sabre 15. Story

Chapel Honors International Bond

Australian and American service members have gathered at St. Christopher’s Chapel in Nerimbera, Australia, to celebrate the chapel’s 60-year commemoration. Story

U.S. Marines Train With Troops in East Timor

A platoon of U.S. Marines with Company A, 1st Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, Marine Rotational Force – Darwin, have been preparing for the bilateral training exercise Koa Moana 15.2 in Dili, East Timor, beginning June 22. Story

U.S., South Korea Join Forces for Silent Shark

The U.S. and the Republic of Korea navies are participating in Exercise Silent Shark 2015 in the vicinity of Guam, June 8-12. Story

U.S., India Sign 10-Year Defense Framework Agreement

In India, Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar signed a 10-year defense framework agreement yesterday, highlighting the growth of defense cooperation between the two countries. Story

Carter Visit Builds on Relationship Between United States, India

Defense Secretary Ash Carter met Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar and called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi during an official visit to India. Story

Carter: U.S., Vietnam Committed to Defense Relationship

The United States and Vietnam are committed to deepening their defense relationship, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said yesterday in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi during a news conference with Defense Minister Gen. Phung Quang Thanh. Story

Carter Meets With Vietnamese Leaders, Signs Vision Statement

Defense Secretary Ash Carter met with President Truong Tan Sang, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Defense Minister Gen. Phung Quang Thanh in the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi yesterday, Pentagon officials reported. Story

Carter: Strong Security Architecture Key to Asia-Pacific Region's Future

A strong and inclusive security architecture is key to ensuring the opportunity for the Asia-Pacific region to continue to rise, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. Story

Carter Discusses Security Issues With Asia-Pacific Defense Leaders

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter met with a several defense leaders from Asia-Pacific nations today in Singapore during the Shangri-La Dialogue, a major annual forum for key leaders in the Asia-Pacific region to discuss security challenges and opportunities. Story

Rebalance Continues America's Historic Role in Asia-Pacific

America's rebalance to the Asia-Pacific is a continuation of its pivotal role over the past 70 years in helping ensure prosperity in the region, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said. Story

Carter Urges Peaceful Resolution of South China Sea Disputes

Carter made his remarks during change-of-command ceremonies at U.S. Pacific Command, the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and at the retirement of outgoing Pacom commander Navy Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Honolulu. Story

Carter, Philippine Counterpart Reaffirm Ties

During Defense Secretary Ash Carter's meeting with Philippine Secretary of National Defense Voltaire Gazmin, the two leaders reaffirmed the strong and enduring ties between the two nations. Story

Carter Begins 10-Day Trip to Hawaii, Singapore, Vietnam, India

In his second trip as secretary to the Asia-Pacific region, Defense Secretary Ash Carter plans to further develop a strong regional security architecture in Southeast Asia that promotes transparency, builds trust and helps address the challenges in the region. Story

Carter: U.S, Japan Defense Guidelines 'Break New Ground'

U.S. and Japanese national security leaders unveiled new guidelines for U.S.-Japan defense cooperation, saying the new rules will promote peace and stability in the region and worldwide. Story

Japanese Defense Minister: Revised Guidelines Key to Stability

The Japan Self-Defense Force personnel look forward to working even more closely with U.S. personnel after changes to the U.S.-Japan strategic guidelines, Japanese Defense Minister Gen Nakatani said in an exclusive interview. Story

U.S. Pacific Command Multinational Symposium Enhances Regional Stability

The U.S. Pacific Command Amphibious Leaders Symposium, which includes more than 20 nations, will enhance stability in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Steve Warren said. Story

CV-22 Osprey Squadron Headed for Japan

The Department of Defense has announced plans to station a special operations squadron of CV-22 Osprey aircraft at Yokota Air Base, Japan. Story

U.S., Japanese Officials Announce New Defense Guidelines

The new U.S.-Japan defense guidelines will fundamentally change the way Japan and the United States cooperate on defense matters, a senior defense official said. Story

Carter, South Korean Defense Minister Solidify Alliance

The U.S.-South Korea alliance has a global reach based on mutual trust and common values, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said in a joint press conference after meeting with South Korean Minister of Defense Han Min-Koo. Story

Future is in Asia-Pacific Region, Carter Says

Defense Secretary Ash Carter thanked U.S. troops at Osan Air Base, South Korea, and spoke to them about the importance of the Asia-Pacific region. Story

Leaders Discuss U.S.-South Korea Relations

Defense Secretary Ash Carter met with South Korea's National Security Advisor Director Kim Kwan-jin in Seoul to reaffirm the U.S.-South Korea alliance, according to a Defense Department statement. Story

Carter, South Korea President Reaffirm Alliance

Defense Secretary Ash Carter met with South Korea President Park Geun-hye in Seoul and reaffirmed the strength and importance of the enduring alliance between the United States and South Korea, according to a Defense Department statement issued today. Story

In Japan, Carter Reports Progress on Major Issues

In Yokota yesterday, Defense Secretary Ash Carter reported progress in talks with Japanese officials on the U.S.-Japan Defense Guidelines for Defense Cooperation and on a proposed regional regulatory and investment treaty called the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Story

Secretary Honors Military Children at Yokota Air Base

Behind those who make up the greatest fighting force the world has ever known are families, many including children who serve the nation around the world just as their parents do, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said. Story

Carter, Japan's Defense Minister Discuss Alliance Matters

On the initial overseas stop of his first Asia-Pacific trip as defense secretary, Ash Carter met with Japanese Defense Minister Gen Nakatani to discuss the alliance and mutual world interests. Story

Secretary Discusses U.S. Rebalance to Asia-Pacific Region

U.S. re-emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region makes sense regionally and globally, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said. Story

Carter Asia Trips to Affirm Defense Ties, Build on Initiatives

Defense Secretary Ash Carter will visit Asia twice over the next two months to affirm defense relationships with allies and build upon key initiatives of the U.S. strategic rebalance to the region. Story

Demographics, Economics Boost Asia's Global Profile, Carter Says

Demographic trends show that Asian nations will only become more important globally in the 21st century -- no region will affect U.S. prosperity more -- and it's in American interests to maintain a strong security presence in the region, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said. Story

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The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a proposed trade agreement under negotiation by Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam. The agreement seeks to enhance trade and investment among TPP partner countries; promote innovation, economic growth and development; and support job creation and retention.

About the Secretary

Profile photo of Defense Secretary Ash Carter Ash Carter is the 25th secretary of defense. He previously served as deputy defense secretary and as undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics. Carter has received the Defense Department's Distinguished Service Medal five times and the Defense Intelligence Medal. Biography

PaCom Infographic. U.S. Pacific Command protects and defends, in concert with other U.S. government agencies, the territory of the United States, its people, and its interests. With allies and partners, Pacom is committed to enhancing stability in the Asia-Pacific region by promoting security cooperation, encouraging peaceful development, responding to contingencies, deterring aggression, and, when necessary, fighting to win. This approach is based on partnership, presence, and military readiness.

Focus on Rebalance

  • Screen grab of  a DoD reporter speaking on the Asia-Pacific rebalance.

    Asia-Pacific; Regional Engagement

  • Screen grab of U.S. troops running with their equipment.

    Carter Discusses Asia-Pacific Rebalance

  • Screen grab of ships in a bay.

    Asia Rebalance

Focus on Partnerships & Training

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