Organizational Chart

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The following is a brief, plain-language explanation of each of the boxes on the ACL organizational chart. This is intended to provide an overview of the how the roles and responsibilities are aligned, but it does not capture the detailed responsibilities and functions of every organizational unit. If you have additional questions, please contact us at

ACL Organizational Chart Explanation

ACL is led by the Administrator, who also serves as the Assistant Secretary for Aging. The Administrator is directly supported by the Principal Deputy Administrator.

Learn more about the Office of the Administrator:

Immediate Office of the Administrator

The Immediate Office of the Administrator is responsible for carrying out ACL’s mission and provides executive supervision to the major components of ACL. It includes the Administrator, who also serves as the HHS Assistant Secretary for Aging, and the Principal Deputy, who also serves as the Secretary's Senior Advisor on Disability. Both serve as members of the Secretary’s senior leadership team and work to ensure that federal policies and programs support the goal of enabling all individuals to live with respect and dignity as fully participating members of their communities. The Chief of Staff, the Executive Secretary, and Legislative Affairs are part of the Immediate Office. The Office of the Administrator also includes the Office of External Affairs and the Office of Regional Operations.

Office of External Affairs

This office develops and executes communication and outreach strategies in support of ACL and its policies, programs, goals, and objectives.

Office of Regional Operations

This office includes a coordinating central office liaison and multiple Regional Support Centers. The Regional Support Centers represent the ACL within their regions, providing information for, and contributing to the development of, national programs serving older adults and persons with disabilities. They work closely with federal, state and tribal organizations in their regions, and serve as ACL’s eyes and ears at the regional level, particularly for day-to-day operations of the Older Americans Act formula and tribal grant programs. The geographic areas of responsibility for each region are as follows:

Regions and Associated States

Region I: CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT

Region VI: AR, LA, OK, NM, TX

Region II: NY, NJ, PR, VI

Region VII: IA, KS, MO, NE (operated out of Region V-Chicago for ACL)

Region III: DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV

Region VIII: CO, MT, UT, WY, ND, SD

Region IV: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN

Region IX: CA, NV, AZ, HI, GU, CNMI, AS

Region V: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI

Region X: AK, ID, OR, WA

ACL is comprised of the following units, which report directly to the Administrator:

Administration on Aging (AoA)

AoA is led by the Assistant Secretary for Aging, who is directly supported by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging. AoA provides leadership and expertise on program development, advocacy, and initiatives affecting older Americans and their caregivers and families. Working closely with regional offices, state and area agencies on aging, tribal grantees and community service providers, it plans and directs grant programs designed to provide planning, coordination, and services to older Americans as authorized under the Older Americans Act and other legislation. It includes the following offices:

Office of Supportive and Caregiver Services

This office manages ACL's role in a variety of programs designed to provide overarching information and referral services to diverse populations of seniors and caregivers, particularly to enhance service coordination and delivery. The office works with state and Area Agencies on Aging to implement and enhance systems for home and community-based supportive services, the operation of multi-purpose senior centers, and caregiver support and assistance services. This includes: distributing formula grant funding among states and providing guidance to states on allocating and targeting resources, providing technical assistance to help state and area agencies and communities improve service delivery, and assessing effectiveness and compliance of federally funded programs. Also, the Alzheimer’s Disease and Supportive Services Program supports activities related to brain health (cognition, well-being, and brain disease).

Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs

This office manages a portfolio of programs designed to promote healthy behaviors and improved health for older people. Its work includes programs like congregate and home delivered meals and nutrition education as well as health promotion services, the oral health program, chronic disease self-management education programs, falls prevention programs, and behavioral health information. All are designed to enhance service coordination and delivery by assisting state and Area Agencies on Aging with developing and enhancing comprehensive and coordinated systems of home- and community-based nutrition and preventive health services.

Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services

This office manages the operation, administration, and assessment of the elder abuse prevention, legal assistance development, and pension counseling programs funded through the Older Americans Act. It leads the development and implementation of comprehensive Adult Protective Services systems in order to provide a coordinated and seamless response for helping adult victims of abuse and to prevent abuse before it happens. It also implements and coordinates innovation and demonstration activities, develops standards to improve delivery and effectiveness of services, and provides support for the Elder Justice Coordinating Council.

Office for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Programs

This office acknowledges the unique cultural and social traditions of Native and Tribal communities. In the federal policy process, it serves as an advocate for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian elders, as well as other ethnic and racially diverse people. It works with federal, state, local, and tribal governments, as well as national Indian organizations, national aging organizations, and national provider organizations to coordinate activities, services, and policies to ensure a continuum of services. It also oversees programs under the Older Americans Act that support these populations, including the Resource Centers on Native American Elders, which gather information, perform research and share results, and provide technical assistance and training to those who provide services to Native American elders.

Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs

This office advocates for federal policies that protect and benefit the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents of long-term care facilities, and works with state and local partners on initiatives to do the same. Working closely with the Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services, this office also manages ACL’s role in the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program and the National Ombudsman Resource Center.

Administration on Disabilities (AoD)

AoD is headed by a Commissioner, who reports directly to the ACL Administrator, and a Deputy Commissioner who also serves as Director of Independent Living. AoD works with states, communities, and partners in the disability networks to increase the independence, productivity, and community integration of individuals with disabilities. Under authorities provided by the Developmental Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, the Help America Vote Act, the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, and the Public Health Service Act, the AoD works to improve opportunities for people with disabilities to access quality services and supports, achieve economic self-sufficiency, and experience equality and inclusion in all facets of community life.

The AoD Commissioner serves as a focal point in HHS to support and encourage the provision of quality services and supports and implementation of programs and policies that benefit people with disabilities and their families.

Independent Living Administration

Established by the Rehabilitation Act, the Independent Living Administration (ILA) manages programs, advocates in policy development, and helps establish and strengthen state and community networks of service providers in order to maximize the leadership, empowerment, independence, and productivity of individuals with disabilities. ILA also promotes the independent living philosophy of consumer control, self-help and self-advocacy, development of peer relationships and peer role models, and equal access for individuals with significant disabilities to all aspects of society. In addition, ILA manages programs that provide information and referral services to help people with paralysis and limb loss continue to live in their homes and participate in their communities.

The Director of Independent Living reports directly to the ACL Administrator in carrying out ILA responsibilities and also serves as the Deputy Commissioner of the AoD.

Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD)

AIDD supports and advocates for quality services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, in order to increase the independence, productivity, and community inclusion of these individuals and ensure that their rights are protected.

Office of Program Support

This office manages three national grant programs authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act: the State Councils on Developmental Disabilities, the Protection and Advocacy Systems, and the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. The office also administers Protection and Advocacy programs under the Help America Vote Act and the Assistive Technology Act, and oversees technical assistance to all programs.

Office of Innovation

This office manages a variety of initiatives, including Projects of National Significance; programs authorized under Titles II and III of the DD Act that focus on family support and direct support workforce issues; and Help America Vote Act programs, which improve accessibility to polling places for individuals with the full range of disabilities. The office also provides general support for the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities, which includes coordinating committee meetings and Congressional engagements, developing an annual report to the President, and leading other projects and initiatives as needed.

Center of Integrated Programs (CIP)

This center bridges the aging and disability centers and handles the programs that address both portfolios. It leads ACL’s administration of consumer access and protection programs, as well as programs and initiatives that promote the use of self-directed and person-centered service models, for both older adults and people with disabilities, as well as their caregivers and families.

Office of Healthcare Information and Counseling

This office oversees the operation and administration of the State Health Insurance Assistance Program and the Senior Medicare Patrol Program, which help Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries (and people nearing the age of eligibility) understand the complexities of these programs and educate them on how to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse. The office also manages related activities that focus on outreach to help beneficiaries understand and apply for Medicare benefits including the Low Income Subsidy program, Medicare Savings Program, and Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D).

Office of Integrated Care Innovations

This office oversees technical assistance activities, including the identification and dissemination of best practices and program models, for the Duals Demonstration Ombudsman Programa program that supports grantees serving beneficiaries of state demonstration grants designed to integrate care for people who are enrolled in both Medicare-Medicaid and are associated with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Financial Alignment Initiative. The office works with grantees to ensure that the beneficiaries participating in these demonstrations, as well as their caregivers and authorized representatives, have access to person-centered assistance in resolving problems related to their health plans and providers. The office also leads ACL’s business acumen programs, which help community-based organizations that serve older adults and persons with disabilities build business capacity and align their service capabilities to work effectively with integrated healthcare entities.

Office of Consumer Access and Self-Determination

The Office of Integrated Programs leads ACL's efforts to develop single entry point, or “No Wrong Door,” systems of access to long-term services and supports. Programs include the Lifespan Respite Care Program, the Aging and Disability Resource Center program, and the Veteran-Directed Home and Community-Based Services program, as well as the Assistive Technology state programs.

Center for Management and Budget (CMB)

CMB advises the Administrator on the budget, financial, grants, information resources, procurement, administrative, and human resources management activities of ACL. It includes:

Office of Budget and Finance

This office coordinates ACL's budget formulation and execution and financial management activities. It also oversees the agency’s travel management.

Office of Administration and Personnel

This office manages ACL's human capital development; personnel, facilities and acquisitions functions; and other administrative services such as training and conference registration, continuity of operations, and work/life programs.

Office of Grants Management

This office coordinates ACL's administration of grants and cooperative agreements. Activities include providing policy oversight; ensuring compliance with statutory, regulatory, and administrative policy requirements; and performing business review and cost/budget analysis for discretionary grants.

Office of Information Resources Management

This office manages ACL information and technology services, including providing IT governance and project management; advising on health IT policy; coordinating telecommunications services; developing and managing custom applications, systems, and websites; managing network security and privacy responsibilities; and overseeing Paperwork Reduction Act activities.

Center for Policy and Evaluation (CPE)

The Center for Policy and Evaluation (CPE) leads policy development and performance measurement for ACL related to high quality community living by developing and promoting policies, programs, and technical assistance to maximize the independence, well-being, and health of older adults, people with disabilities across the lifespan, and their families and caregivers. CPE participates in departmental and inter-departmental activities. It includes:

Office of Policy Analysis and Development

CPE’s Office of Policy Analysis and Development (OPAD) 1) reviews and comments on regulations and policies; 2) produces policy and other reports and analyses; and 3) coordinates initiatives with other federal agencies, and national aging and disability organizations. Among the issues addressed by OPAD are quality measures for home and community based services; managed long-term services and supports; and person-centered planning.

Office of Performance and Evaluation

As the resource on performance and evaluation for ACL, CPE’s Office for Performance and Evaluation (OPE) develops and manages related responsibilities, including overseeing Older Americans Act performance data system, responding to congressional and departmental requests for data, and managing program evaluation. Additionally, CPE compiles, publishes, and disseminates data on the health, social, and economic status of older persons and persons with disabilities, and analyses data for ACL, other federal and non-federal organizations, and the general public.

National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)

NIDILRR supports research, development, and dissemination and related activities designed to contribute to community living and participation, employment, and health and functioning of individuals of all ages with all types and degrees of disability, including disabilities that do not affect large numbers of people.

Office of Research Sciences

This office sponsors research and development for programs and interventions that employ technology, techniques, and devices to overcome environmental barriers to community living for people with disabilities. It also provides research-based knowledge to industry to facilitate development, marketing, and distribution of aids and devices that can be used by people with disabilities. In addition, it distributes research findings and other information to improve public understanding of the obstacles to community living faced by people with disabilities and the best opportunities for overcoming the obstacles.

Office of Research Evaluation and Administration

This office supports the management of NIDILRR grants and contracts, including creation and publication of grant and contract opportunities and awards, maintaining grant forecasts and schedules, and coordinating development of budgets and spending plans. The office also manages NIDILRR program evaluations in order to enable ongoing improvement to the effectiveness of research activities.


Last modified on 10/16/2017

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