USDA Forest ServiceUSDA Forest Service
Active Fire Mapping Program
Current Large Incidents (Home)
New Large Incidents
Fire Detection Maps
MODIS Satellite Imagery
VIIRS Satellite Imagery
Fire Detection GIS Data
Fire Data in Google Earth
Fire Data Web Services
Latest Detected Fire Activity
Other Near Real Time Products
Frequently Asked Questions
About Active Fire Maps

Geospatial Technology and Applications Center

2222 West 2300 South
Salt Lake City, UT
84119 - 2020

voice: (801) 975-3737
fax: (801) 975-3478

Fire locations are based on data provided by the National Interagency Coordination Center and are subject to change.

Large incident map products updated daily while the National Preparedness Level (NPL) is Level 2
or higher. Otherwise, when the NPL is Level 1, the map products are updated only on Fridays.

Printable Map
View High
Resolution Map
Definition of
Map Terms
KMZ File
'MINE' - 1400.0 acres 'WALKER' - 500.0 acres
IMSR Summary
January 8th, 2019

National Preparedness Level
Level 1
National Fire Activity
Initial Attack Activity: Light (62) new fires
New large incidents: 1
Large fires contained: 2
Uncontained large fires: 0
Area Command teams committed: 0
NIMOs committed: 0
Type 1 IMTs committed: 0
Type 2 IMTs committed: 0

Incident Management Situation Report

Active Fire Mapping News
July 29, 2018

GOES and AVHRR Active Fire Detection Data/Product Alert: GOES and AVHRR mapping and visualization product updates have been restored. Products are available for access.

View map with Greater
Sage-Grouse habitat layer.
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