Health Care / Hospital Finance

The Office of Health Care Financing oversees the Office of Hospital Finance & Charity Care, GME, DSRIP.

Phone: 609-292-7874

H&A Bldg, 369 S Warren St, 8th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625

Executive Director: Robin C Ford

The Office of Hospital Finance and Charity Care administers the New Jersey Hospital Care Payment Assistance Program (Charity Care) and monitors hospital finances and performance

The office oversees the annual hospital Charity Care (CC) and Graduate Medical Education (GME) subsidies – their distribution, calculation and source data -- including electronic claims processing, audits and reports. This office also supports the DSRIP system.  This office oversees and monitors hospital finances and performance through financial reporting requirements, including annual hospital cost reports and audited financial statements, as well as quarterly utilization reports.

Phone: 609-292-4710

P.O. Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625

Director: Robert T Neu

Last Reviewed: 8/23/2018