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Appendix 10. Food Sources of Potassium

Table A10-1. Potassium: Food Sources Ranked by Amounts of Potassium and Energy per Standard Food Portions and per 100 Grams of Foods

Food Standard Portion Size Calories in Standard Portiona Potassium in Standard Portion (mg)a Calories per 100 gramsa Potassium per 100 grams (mg)a
Potato, baked, flesh and skin 1 medium 163 941 94 544
Prune juice, canned 1 cup 182 707 71 276
Carrot juice, canned 1 cup 94 689 40 292
Passion-fruit juice, yellow or purple 1 cup 126-148 687 51-60 278
Tomato paste, canned ¼ cup 54 669 82 1,014
Beet greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 19 654 27 909
Adzuki beans, cooked ½ cup 147 612 128 532
White beans, canned ½ cup 149 595 114 454
Plain yogurt, nonfat 1 cup 127 579 56 255
Tomato puree ½ cup 48 549 38 439
Sweet potato, baked in skin 1 medium 103 542 90 475
Salmon, Atlantic, wild, cooked 3 ounces 155 534 182 628
Clams, canned 3 ounces 121 534 142 628
Pomegranate juice 1 cup 134 533 54 214
Plain yogurt, low-fat 8 ounces 143 531 63 234
Tomato juice, canned 1 cup 41 527 17 217
Orange juice, fresh 1 cup 112 496 45 200
Soybeans, green, cooked ½ cup 127 485 141 539
Chard, swiss, cooked ½ cup 18 481 20 549
Lima beans, cooked ½ cup 108 478 115 508
Mackerel, various types, cooked 3 ounces 114-171 443-474 134-201 521-558
Vegetable juice, canned 1 cup 48 468 19 185
Chili with beans, canned ½ cup 144 467 112 365
Great northern beans, canned ½ cup 150 460 114 351
Yam, cooked ½ cup 79 456 116 670
Halibut, cooked 3 ounces 94 449 111 528
Tuna, yellowfin, cooked 3 ounces 111 448 130 527
Acorn squash, cooked ½ cup 58 448 56 437
Snapper, cooked 3 ounces 109 444 128 522
Soybeans, mature, cooked ½ cup 149 443 173 515
Tangerine juice, fresh 1 cup 106 440 43 178
Pink beans, cooked ½ cup 126 430 149 508
Chocolate milk (1%, 2% and whole) 1 cup 178-208 418-425 71-83 167-170
Amaranth leaves, cooked ½ cup 14 423 21 641
Banana 1 medium 105 422 89 358
Spinach, cooked from fresh or canned ½ cup 21-25 370-419 23 346-466
Black turtle beans, cooked ½ cup 121 401 130 433
Peaches, dried, uncooked ¼ cup 96 399 239 996
Prunes, stewed ½ cup 133 398 107 321
Rockfish, Pacific, cooked 3 ounces 93 397 109 467
Rainbow trout, wild or farmed, cooked 3 ounces 128-143 381-383 150-168 448-450
Skim milk (nonfat) 1 cup 83 382 34 156
Refried beans, canned, traditional ½ cup 106 380 89 319
Apricots, dried, uncooked ¼ cup 78 378 241 1162
Pinto beans, cooked ½ cup 123 373 143 436
Lentils, cooked ½ cup 115 365 116 369
Avocado ½ cup 120 364 160 485
Tomato sauce, canned ½ cup 30 364 24 297
Plantains, slices, cooked ½ cup 89 358 116 465
Kidney beans, cooked ½ cup 113 357 127 403
Navy beans, cooked ½ cup 128 354 140 389

aSource: U.S Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2014. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 27. Available at: