The following are summaries and other information related to Proposed Rules that the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services has submitted to the Secretary of State for Publication in the Missouri Register. These rules will not go into effect until the public has had an opportunity to submit written comments, and to attend a public hearing if one is scheduled.

Any person may offer comments on a Proposed Rule. The instructions for submitting comments, and the location and date of a hearing if one is scheduled, are located after the text of each rule. Please note that the official text of a Proposed Rule is the version that appears in the Missouri Register, not the draft copy on this site. Refer to the official copy if you wish to submit comments.

We hope you find this site helpful and informative.

Proposed Rule Summary Fiscal
Material Incorporated
by Reference
Link to
Missouri Register
Date Posted
19 CSR 30-1.002 Schedules of Controlled Substances This amendment updates the list of all drugs falling within the purview of controlled substances to match the corresponding list promulgated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) n/a  


19 CSR 30-1.078
Disposing of Unwanted Controlled Substances
This amendment establishes the process for authorized registrants to collect unwanted controlled substances through collection receptacles  or a mail-back program and amends requirements for destruction of controlled substances by registrants. n/a   Missouri Register 10.17.18
19 CSR 30-1.064
Partial Filling of Controlled Substance Prescription
This amendment establishes conditions under which the partial filling of prescriptions in Schedules II, III, IV, or V is permissible n/a   Missouri Register 10.17.18
19 CSR 30-1.023
Registration Changes
This amendment allows authorized registrants to modify their registration to allow the collection of unwanted controlled substances. n/a   Missouri Register 10.17.18
19 CSR 10-10.130 Missouri Adoptee Rights This rule provides the process for an adoptee, an adoptee’s attorney, and the birth parents of an adoptee to receive a copy of the adoptee’s original birth certificate, the process for a birth parent and the adoptee to state his or her contact preference regarding whether and how the adoptee/birth parent can contact him or her, the process for completion of a medical history form by a birth parent, and the process for lineal descendants of a deceased adoptee to receive a copy of the adoptee’s original birth certificate.

Public Fiscal Note

Private Fiscal Note

Cover Sheet for Birth Parent Contact Preference Form (August 2018)

Birth Parent Contact Preference Form (August 2018)

Cover Sheet for Birth Parent Medical History Form (August 2018)

Birth Parent Medical History Form (August 2018)

Application for Non-Certified Copy of an Original Birth Certificate by Adoptee, Adoptee’s
Attorney, or Birth Parent (August 2018)

Application for Non-Certified Copy of an Original Birth Certificate by Lineal Descendant (August 2018)

Cover Sheet for Adoptee Contact Preference Form (August 2018)

Adoptee Contact Preference Form (August 2018)
Volume 43 Number 20  

19 CSR 73-2.060

Registration of Training Agencies and Single Offering Providers

This amendment allows a two-year training agency status versus the one (1) year and less time constraints on submission of continuing education offerings. n/a   Volume 43 Number 19  

19 CSR 73-2.053

Inactive Licensure Status

This amendment removes the requirement for notarization of requests for inactive status and clarifies the procedures to put the license in inactive status, renew inactive status, and reactivate the license.

n/a   Volume 43 Number 19  

19 CSR 73-2.051

Retired Licensure Status

This amendment deletes the notarization requirement and clarifies the procedures to retire or reactivate the license.

n/a   Volume 43 Number 19  

19 CSR 73-2.050

Renewal of Licenses

This amendment allows the Missouri Board of Nursing Home Administrators to notify its licensees of renewals and for licensees to renew their licenses by electronic means according to the provisions of section 344.040, RSMo, and allows licensees to carry over continuing education hours from one licensure period to another. n/a   Volume 43 Number 19  

19 CSR 73-2.023

Procedures and Requirements for Limited Licensure of Administrators

This rule specifies the minimum requirements for limited licensure as a nursing home administrator in Missouri as outlined in section 344.030.3, RSMo. n/a   Volume 43 Number 19  

19 CSR 10-15.060

Prohibition on expenditure of funds

This rule defines terms used in House Bill 10, 99th General Assembly, Second Regular Session, for purposes of expenditures by the Department of Health and Senior Services. Fiscal Note   Volume 43 Number 16 7.9.18
