Check on seniors or loved ones this winter. Report a senior or disabled adult who is in need of assistance due to cold weather.

If you suspect a senior or disabled adult is being abused, bullied, neglected, or financially exploited: Make a difference. Make the Call. 1-800-392-0210

Missouri Senior Food Insecurity Report NEW

The Missouri State Plan on Aging 2020-2023 NEW

The Division of Senior and Disability Services needs your input on the priorities for the next State Plan on Aging. To learn more about the State Plan on Aging, the Division will hold an informational webinar. Please visit the State Plan on Aging webpage for more information or to register for a webinar.

Do you or a loved one receive Home and Community Based Services?

As a result of the new state budget, nursing facility level of care eligibility standards are changing. The threshold for eligibility to receive care has increased; as a result, some people's benefits may be terminated. People who currently receive Home and Community Based Services will have their eligibility reevaluated at their next scheduled annual assessment. Participants will continue to get the same services until they are reevaluated or notified by division staff of a change to that care as a result of their annual assessment. If you have questions about when your next annual assessment will be scheduled you can contact your provider. If you have additional questions, call 573-526-3626.

Caregiver of the Year

If you know of someone who puts their life on hold to care for an ill family member or friend, nominate him or her today. Read more...

Stop Adult Abuse

Abuse, neglect and financial exploitation are real dangers for many older Missourians seniors and adults with disabilities in Missouri. Look here for information about ways to stop it, places to report if you suspect it and groups who will help the victim.  Read more...

Help for Independent Living

As we age, many activities of daily living can become more difficult. Look here for many of the options available to help you or a loved one remain independent.  Read more...

New Medicare Cards – Watch out for Scams

Need an Advocate?

Some elderly people are too frail to speak up for themselves. Others can be bullied or fall prey to people who try to take advantage of them. Look here for ways to receive help and age with dignity.  Read more...

Senior and Disability Services Employment Opportunities NEW

Nursing Homes & Long-Term Care

Choosing the right kind of care can be a daunting task. Look here for the many options available and the rules that long-term care organizations must follow.  Read more...

Publications & Newsletters

A wide range of resources is available to help older Missourians obtain services and find the help they need. Look here for information about the guides and other resources available to seniors and detailed regulations that apply to nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.  Read more...

Rules & Regulations

The state has adopted rules and regulations designed to protect your health and safety and the safety of your loved ones. Look here for information about these requirements.  Read more...