Closeup photo of Gray Wolf looking intently at the camera. WDFW director authorizes removing wolves from 2 packs preying on cattle 
The two wolf packs subject to lethal action are the Smackout pack in Stevens County and the Togo pack in Ferry County

Wolf Conservation and Management 2017 Annual Wolf Report

Killer whale (Orca) jumping out of the water.
Photo by Ken Rea
Boaters asked to observe 'no-go' zone along western San Juan Island to protect orcas
State fish and wildlife managers are asking anglers and other boaters to avoid an area along the west side of San Juan Island in an effort to protect a dwindling population of southern resident killer whales.

Example of the steelhead license plate. Farm Bill Programs in Washington State
The federal Farm Bill supports a number of conservation efforts in Washington, and can also enhance hunting and fishing access opportunities, particularly on private land. WDFW is offering a number of recommendations for the 2018 Farm Bill in order to maintain and enhance conservation efforts in the state.

Photo of Chinook salmon jumping out of the water. Comprehensive Management Plan for Puget Sound Chinook: Harvest Management Component
State and treaty tribal co-managers submitted to NOAA Fisheries on Dec. 1, 2017, updates to a fisheries plan that guides conservation and harvest of Puget Sound chinook salmon throughout their range. NOAA will now begin reviewing the plan before considering it for approval in the spring of 2019. Learn more >>

Photo of deformed hoof WDFW seeks reports of elk with hoof disease in Cascades
State wildlife managers are asking hunters, anglers, campers and others planning to spend time in the Cascade Mountains this fall to report any elk they encounter and pay close attention to see if any walk with a limp.
Learn more >>

Elk Hoof Disease Public Working Group (EHDPWG)
Frequently Asked Questions
Submit an Elk Hoof Rot / Deformation Report
Photo of several bats hanging from cave wall with White Nose Syndrome White-nose Syndrome in Bats
A devastating bat disease called White-nose Syndrome is now in Washington. Help us monitor our bat populations by reporting sick or dead bats, or groups of bats. Learn more >>
Image of Washington state map with dots representing land acquisition projects

This web page describes WDFW's proposals for new land acquisition during 2018 and provides a virtual tour of 10 proposals. These projects were developed by WDFW staff and approved by the department's executive management team to conserve important fish and wildlife habitats. Learn more >>

Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans (HGMPs)
WDFW is currently updating draft management plans designed to guide state hatchery operations in portions of Puget Sound. People who would like to receive email notification of updated HGMPs must subscribe at the website. All future notifications will be distributed to subscribers and posted on the website. Learn more >>

Photo of shorline stabilization work Planning a construction project or other work in or near state waters? An environmental permit, commonly known as an HPA, is likely required.
Learn more >>

California sea lion eating salmon Columbia River salmon and steelhead face a serious threat from California sea lions that prey on fish waiting to move up the fish ladders at Bonneville Dam in early spring. Each year since 2002, sea lions have consumed thousands of migrating fish, many from threatened and endangered runs protected under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). Learn more >>

Salmon leaping up a waterfall

The Salmon Conservation Reporting Engine (SCoRE) website provides up-to-date information on populations, and provide context for the efforts WDFW and its partners are taking in the arenas of habitat, hatcheries, and harvest to protect and conserve salmon and steelhead in Washington. Learn more >>

Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary Program

Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary
Good environmental stewardship begins in our own backyards. WDFW’s Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary program helps you manage your property for wildlife with information on landscaping with plants that provide food and cover. Learn more >>

Invasive Colonial Tunicates Invasive Tunicates Discovered in Washington
Report an invasive species sighting
Chiliwist Wildlife Area shrub-steppe Wildlife Area Management Plans
WDFW manages nearly one million acres of land around the state for fish and wildlife, habitat conservation and wildlife related recreation.

Wildlife License Plates

Help Support Wildlife Activities in Washington

Five new license plate backgrounds to choose from, featuring some of the state’s premier wildlife species. Proceeds from the sale of the plates go to improving management for these and other wildlife species as well as improving conservation and recreation programs related to wildlife in Washington. Now, you can combine BOTH a wildlife background and a personalized message!
Buy Your Wildlife Plate Today!
Buy Your Wildlife Plate Today!
Buy Your Wildlife Plate Today!
WDFW identifies up to 2.75 million chinook fry to help replace fish lost at Minter Creek Hatchery
WDFW seeks members for advisory group on hydraulic regulations that protect fish life
WDFW seeks public participation in South Puget Sound Wildlife Area plan
Fishers released in North Cascades: Elusive carnivores once considered extinct in Washington state
Hotline available to report dead, sick, or injured swans
Researchers will use drone to collect data on Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits
Captures for predator-prey study resume in northeast Washington
Brown pelican PHS on the Web
An interactive map of WDFW priority habitats and species information for project review.
Washington's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy and Wildlife Action Plan
Fish and Wildlife Commission Hatchery & Fishery Reform Policy
Fisher Reintroduction Information
Avian Influenza Facts
Wildlife Areas Habitat Conservation Planning
Endangered Species Information
Priority Habitat and Species
Ballast Water Regulations and Research
SalmonScape SalmonScape
Interactive mapping application includes salmon distribution, status, and habitats
Species & Ecosystem Research
Wildlife Program Weekly Activity Reports
WDFW Oil Spill Team
WDFW Image Gallery
Washington Amphibian & Reptile Atlas
Amphibian & reptile information