WDFW Mailing Lists
Please review the information below and choose the list or lists that best suit your needs. You may unsubscribe at any time if you no longer wish to receive future mailings.
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My information
Email address:  
Your name: (optional)
Preferred mail format: Auto-detect Text HTML
I want to subscribe to:
WDFW All Information
This list receives all information sent to the lists below.*
Average mail traffic: 5-10 e-mails per week.
or select lists individually
WDFW News Releases & Weekender Report
This list receives all WDFW News Releases and the monthly Weekender Report highlighting all of the latest fish and wildlife opportunities around the state.
Average mail traffic: 3-6 e-mails per week.
WDFW Regulation Updates
This list receives Fishing and Hunting Rule Changes and regulatory focused News Releases.
NOTE: Those who subscribe to both this list and the "WDFW News Release & Weekender Report" list will occasionally receive duplicate copies of news releases that are sent to both lists. It is recommended that you subscribe to the "WDFW All Information" list to avoid receiving unnecessary e-mail.

Average mail traffic: 2-4 e-mails per week.
Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission Announcements
This list receives announcements from the Washington State Fish and Wildlife Commission.
Average mail traffic: 2-4 e-mails per month.
Crossing Paths News Notes
Crossing Paths With Washington’s Wildlife News Notes are about wildlife you may encounter where you live or recreate,  including our Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary program to provide habitat year-round on your own property.  
Average mail traffic: 12 e-mails per year.
Other mailing lists (these lists must be subscribed to individually)
WDFW Rulemaking
This list receives weekly summaries of proposed permanent rule changes and adopted permanent rule changes filed with the Washington State Register as well as periodic notices regarding permanent rulemaking activities.
Average mail traffic: 1 e-mail per week.
Gray Wolf Pack Updates and Information
This list receives occasional updates on wolf packs in Washington state, wolf management plan information and other wolf related announcements.
Average mail traffic: 5-6 e-mails per year.
Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan (HGMP) Alerts
This list receives announcements of new draft HGMP releases and public comment periods.
Average mail traffic: 1-3 e-mails per year.
We are concerned about protecting your privacy. By submitting your name and e-mail address on this form you agree to receive e-mail communications from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). We will only use your name and e-mail address for the communications you have indicated you wish to receive from WDFW. We will not share or distribute your data to third parties for commercial purposes. You should be aware, however, that under certain circumstances your name and e-mail address may be made publically available for non-commercial purposes under Washington State public disclosure laws (see RCW 42.56.070 for more information). For more information on WDFW privacy policies, please review our Privacy Statement.