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November 08, 2018
Contact: Chad Herring, 360-249-1299

Public workshops scheduled on
Willapa Bay salmon management

OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will review the Willapa Bay salmon management policy during two upcoming workshops.

The policy is designed to help restore wild salmon runs and reduce conflicts between commercial and recreational fisheries in Willapa Bay, and enhance the economic well-being and stability of the recreational and commercial fishing industry in the state. The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, which sets policy for WDFW, approved the plan in 2015 after significant public input. 

At the workshops, state fishery managers will assess the outcomes of the policy, based on relevant data, said Chad Herring, WDFW fish policy lead for the south coast.

"Willapa Bay salmon fisheries are very popular and contribute significantly to the local economy," Herring said. "We need input from the public on the implementation and performance of the policy."

The workshops include discussion with Willapa Bay fishery advisors and an opportunity for public comment.

Both meetings are open to the public and will be held at the agency's regional office at 48 Devonshire Road in Montesano. The meetings are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Nov. 17 and Dec. 15

More information about the policy and meetings can be found online at

WDFW will provide updates to the Fish and Wildlife Commission in upcoming meetings. The commission is scheduled to take action on the policy in February.  Commission meeting times and agendas can be found online at