Office for Victims of Crime - Justice for Victims. Justice for All
Justice for Victims. Justice for All
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About OVC

Apply to be a Peer Reviewer

OVC is seeking reviewers from diverse backgrounds and regions to assess grant applications. Reviewers should have relevant crime victimization experience and expertise at the local, state, Federal or Tribal levels in areas such as but not limited to:

  • Domestic violence and sexual assault
  • Child and elder abuse
  • Fraud & identity theft
  • Human trafficking
  • Ethics in victim services
  • Victims’ rights
  • Compassion fatigue/vicarious trauma
  • Mass violence & crisis response
  • Restitution
  • Victim impact
  • Victim compensation
  • Underserved victim populations

All reviews are conducted remotely and, typically, reviewers score 5-10 applications within a two week period. Before beginning their work, reviewers must participate in an orientation telephone call, which covers the role and responsibilities of the reviewers and the background and purpose of the grant program under review. Reviewers must also enter their scores and comments to an automated data system, and usually will participate in a consensus call with all other reviewers.

Participants receive $125 for each application reviewed. Federal employees are not eligible for payment.

If you are interested in becoming a peer reviewer, please send an up-to-date resume or curriculum vitae, including a valid email address, to OJP Peer Review.