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Visit the NashView map

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NashView is an easy-to-use online map viewer that helps you find out what's happening in your neighborhood. Accessible by residents, visitors, business owners, and community organizers from any device, NashView offers a wide variety of options and filters to help anyone get exactly the information they want without the need for special software or skills. Users can explore the most important places near their home or work, find out where incidents and improvements are happening anywhere in the city, and visualize data in a variety of ways. Read more about the launch of NashView.

Guided Tour

Powered by hubNashville and Open Data

NashView is designed as a complement to hubNashville, Davidson County’s one-stop shop for Metro services, which allows residents to identify issues, make service requests and track the progress of service delivery. In NashView, residents can visualize requests reported through hubNashville in their own neighborhoods and countywide. Read more about hubNashville.

NashView is built on top of Metro Nashville's Open Data portal, the destination for public access to Metro Government data. The application puts the extensive and insightful data that already exists on the Open Data Portal into the hands of Nashville residents in a visual and tactile way. Read more about Nashville's Open Data.

NashView Examples

Any view created in the NashView map can be saved for later use and shared with others. Here are some examples of useful map views we've created. Create and share your own on the NashView map!


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