Tag Archives: John Pendleton

Are the Navy and Marine Corps Ready for the Future? (video)

The Department of Defense has faced conflict, budget uncertainty, and reductions in force structure, making it less prepared to handle its operations. Since 2015, we’ve made 45 recommendations to help the Navy and Marine Corps prepare for the future. We … Continue reading

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How Prepared is the Air Force?

Air Force readiness has declined steadily since the 1990s as its aircraft fleet has aged and become smaller. The Air Force is working to rebuild the readiness of its force but has also stated that it must grow significantly to … Continue reading

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Increasing U.S. Military Posture in Europe

Russia annexed Crimea in 2014—and the Department of Defense has since requested over $4.5 billion to increase U.S. military presence in Europe. These funds were initially intended to reassure European allies, but DOD has also started to make plans to … Continue reading

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The Surge Sealift Fleet—Shipping Military Supplies For Any Major Event

More than 90% of military equipment, supplies, and fuel travels by sea. When the military deploys anywhere, the demand for naval transportation grows. Additional shipping capacity must be ready to assist in any major event, ranging from a natural disaster … Continue reading

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Right-Sizing Navy Ship Crews

Operating and maintaining the Navy’s ships is a 24/7 job. Having the right number of sailors onboard with the right skills is crucial for keeping the fleet in prime condition and for ensuring that sailors aren’t being overworked. Today’s WatchBlog … Continue reading

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What’s in the Air Force A-10’s Future?

One of the most contentious issues in the defense budget debates over the last three years has been the fate of the Air Force’s A-10 attack jet—a.k.a “the warthog.” Will (or should) the A-10 survive to fight another day? Today’s … Continue reading

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Overseas Contingency Operations (podcast)

Since 2001, Congress has provided more than $1.6 trillion to fund the Department of Defense’s overseas contingency operations—including military operations, peacekeeping support, and major humanitarian assistance. Although these funds were initially meant to cover DOD’s incremental war-related costs in Iraq … Continue reading

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