Tag Archives: IT

December Podcast Roundup – Podcasts You May Have Missed

We were busy podcasting all last year! And if you’re not subscribed on iTunes or our RSS feed, you’re missing out. Today’s WatchBlog catches you up on podcasts you may have missed last month. Protecting the Electric Grid: Severe solar … Continue reading

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CIO Management Responsibilities Remain a Challenge for Most Agencies

Federal agencies planned to spend more than $96 billion on information technology (IT) in fiscal year 2018. IT systems are critical to the health, economy, and security of the nation. But the government faces longstanding problems in IT management. For … Continue reading

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NASA’s IT Management and Cybersecurity

NASA depends heavily upon information technology (IT) to conduct its work. The agency spends at least $1.5 billion annually on IT investments that support its missions, including ground control systems for the International Space Station and space exploration programs. Because … Continue reading

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DHS Cybersecurity Workforce

Secure federal computer systems depend on the federal and contractor workforce who design, develop, implement, secure, maintain, and use them. But the federal government faces a persistent shortage of workers trained in cybersecurity and information technology. The Department of Homeland … Continue reading

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Is Your Medicare Information Safe?

Is the Medicare information that doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies have about you, your parents, or your grandparents well protected? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) oversees the Medicare program, which covers nearly 58 million aged and disabled … Continue reading

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Cybersecurity—New Risks and Threats

Picture this: Atlanta’s municipal information system was hit with a cyberattack that prevented customers from accessing multiple applications, including paying bills and viewing court-related information. The Department of Justice reported indicting nine Iranians for a massive cybersecurity theft campaign on … Continue reading

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Optimizing Federal Data Centers

In recent years, federal agencies have moved more and more of their services and operations online, increasing their need for computer power and data storage—and leading to a dramatic rise in the number of federal data centers. These buildings house … Continue reading

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Dress Rehearsal: 2020 Census

Our staff are in the field this week observing the Census Bureau’s last complete test of operations before the 2020 Census. The “End-to-End Census Test” is the culmination of the Bureau’s research and planning efforts over the past decade to … Continue reading

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Information Technology and Veterans Affairs

Avid readers of the WatchBlog have seen some of our many posts on veterans’ access to health care and other support services, such as disability payments. Despite years of attempts to correct ongoing problems with health care and disability benefits, … Continue reading

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Who Let the Watchdogs Out? We’re on Location Discussing the Internet of Things (video podcast)

Have you ever used a fitness tracker to measure your daily steps? Or adjusted your home thermostat from your phone? If you answered yes, then you’ve experienced the Internet of Things. If you haven’t heard the term before, the Internet … Continue reading

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