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Advanced Search
Select up to three search categories and corresponding keywords using the fields to the right. Refer to the Help section for more detailed instructions.
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Advanced Search

Please select one of the links below to view the information related to that topic or question.

To search the entire CDC Stacks site, select "All Collections" from the drop-down list and enter a keyword or phrase. Then click the Search button.
Search Search Image
To search within a specific collection, select a collection from the drop-down list and enter a keyword or phrase. Then click the Search button.

Search Search Hightlighed Image

The system performs the query based upon these five fields:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Author Name
  • Subject
  • The Document itself
Note: If you are searching for a single word, using quotation marks does not affect the search results.

However, if you are searching for a phrase containing more than one word, quotation marks play a role. For example, entering "bicycles and pedestrians" (with quotation marks) will return fewer results than entering bicycles and pedestrians (without quotation marks). For more information see item 3 below, regarding what you want to search for.

The Advanced Search in CDC Stacks provides robust searching capabilities within the repository site.
Getting Started Search Box

The default is to search across all of CDC Stacks ("All Collections").

      1. To specify a single collection, select an item from the Collections drop-down list.
        Advanced Search Box All Collections

        You can select up to three search categories and corresponding keywords using the fields above or you can select only one field and click the Search button.

      2. Select where you want to search from the Category drop-down list:
        Advanced Search Box All Collections
        Advanced Search Categories:
        • Title
        • Personal Author
        • Corporate Author
        • Conference Name
        • Description
        • Subject
        • Genre
        • Document Type
        • Series
        • Publication Date
        • PMID
        • PMCID
        • Language
        • Source
        • DOI URL
        • DOI
        • Funding
      3. Input what you want to search for.
        Advanced Search Input 1

        Note: If you enter two words separated by a space, one combined result set is returned. This input acts like first word OR second word.

        For example, keying public transit returns a list of documents that contain the word public combined with a list of the documents that contain the word transit.

        However, to obtain a more precise match from your search, phrases must be enclosed in quotation marks. Keying"public transit" (with quotation marks) returns the list of documents that contain the entire phrase public transit.

        Advanced Search Category: Document Type

        You can now search on documents by the type of works they were published as; a book, journal article, newsletter, poster, report,etc. Select "Document Type" in the category drop-down, pick a specific document type in the drop-down that appears to the right, then click the "Search" button.

        Advanced Search Input 3
        Document Type drop-down-options:
        Advanced Search Input 4

        Advanced Search Category: Published Date

        To search for a document by published date, select "Published Date" from the category drop-down and then enter either a date range in both fields that appear on the right or a single date in the first field. The following formats are accepted: MM/DD/YY, MM/YYYY, or YYYY

        Advanced Search Input Published Date Option

        You can type the date directly within the fields or you can utilize the date picker by clicking the calendar icon to the right of each field. After entering the published date or date range, click the "Search" button.

        Published Date, date picker drop down:

        Advanced Search Input Published Date Picker

        Advanced Search Category: Language

        CDC Stacks has documents in several different languages. To search for documents written in a specific language select "Language" in the category drop-down, pick a specific language in the drop-down that appears to the right, and then click the "Search" button.

        Advanced Search Input Language

        Language drop-down options:

        Advanced Search Input Language Options

      4. To add additional search criteria, select the appropriate Boolean operator from the drop-down menu.
        Advanced Search Boolean Operator
        The following table describes the Boolean operators.

        Narrows your search and retrieve records containing all of the words it separates.

        The search retrieves documents that use both search terms you entered.


        Broadens your search and retrieve records containing any of the words it separates.

        This search includes results that contain either of the search terms you entered.


        Narrows your search by excluding Articles that do not contain the term following it.

      5. When all three drop-downs are used, it is assumed that parentheses go around the first two phrases. Refer to the following example below:
        • (A AND/OR/NOT B) AND/OR/NOT C
        • The search first gets a result completing (A AND/OR/NOT B).
        • Next, it completes AND/OR/NOT C on the returned result.
        • Lastly, the search results are displayed.

        Note: By clicking on the "x" icon in any Search text box, you can clear that field. Or you can click the "Clear All" link to clear all the text boxes.

Retrieve the metadata formats available from a repository. For Stacks, only oai_dc is currently available.

Full URL: http://<host>/fedora/oai?verb=ListMetadataFormats

Extra Parameters:

- identifier (optional). if retrieving information about a specific format.

What is a Collection?

A Collection includes documents that address a shared topic.

Searching within a collection allows you to narrow your search results.

Search Search Image

What documents are listed in the "Recent Additions" area of the site?

The documents that are listed in this area of CDC Stacks site are the twenty documents that were most recently updated or added to the site. These documents are sorted by most recently updated or added to least by default and they may or may not be the most recently published documents.

Why must I wait to download the articles on the "Coming Soon" page?

These journal articles have been placed under a Public Access Embargo. This is the period of a maximum of 12 months in which access to academic journals is not allowed to users who have not paid for access (or have access through their institution).

The CDC Public Access to Publications Policy was developed to ensure that these journal articles may be made freely available to the public within 12 months of publication. Read more about the CDC Public Access to Publications Policy.

Search Facets
What is a facet?

A facet allows you to narrow your Search based on pre-defined topic categories.

How can I suggest another facet to be added to the site?

You can email us at publishinghd@cdc.gov.

What is the small "i" icon located within the site?

The small "i" icon is a tooltip. When you hover your cursor over the icon, additional information is displayed to help explain that section of the site.

Volume Issue Facet Help
How can I remove a selected facet to broaden my search results?

There are multiple ways to deselect a facet; Click the "x" to the left of the facet in the "Narrowed by" section above your results or deselect it within the "Narrow Results" box to the left of your results.

After narrowing results with both a Volume and Issue facet, how can I quickly view all of the originally available Volumes for that Collection?

Simply click the "x" next to the selected Volume and this action will also remove the selected Issue as well.

Can I sort my Search Results?

Search results within a collection can be sorted by Relevance, Last Modified Date, Title, and Published Date.
Search Sort

How often is the Home page updated?

The content for Recently Added and Popular Articles modules are updated every week. The Featured Article and In the Spotlight are updated every other month. The Featured Collection is updated whenever a new Collection has been added to the CDC Stacks repository.

To view a list of previous Spotlights, click the "Spotlight Archive" link at the bottom of the module.