Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBS) obtains information from a random sample of public middle and high school students about the prevalence and age of initiation of various health risk behaviors such as tobacco use, physical activity, eating habits, alcohol and drug use, and behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence.


  • To collect information on age of initiation and prevalence of various health risk behaviors for public middle and high school students in Georgia on a regular basis.

  • To make data reports available to the public, health care professionals, and educators.

  • To provide youth risk health behavior and outcome data to public health programs to assist in developing prevention strategies and evaluating program effectiveness.

2013 YRBS

In 2013, the Georgia Department of Public Health administered the YRBS to public middle and high schools.  41 middle schools with 2,252 6th to 8th grade students and 35 high schools with 1,992 9th to 12th grade students participated in the YRBS.


2013 Middle School Bullying Facts  

2013 High School Depression and Suicide Facts

2013 High School Nutrition Facts

2013 Middle School Nutrition Facts

2013 High School Violence Facts

2013 High School Physical Activity Facts

2013 Middle School Physical Activity Facts

2013 High School Safety and Injury Facts

2013 Middle School Safety and Injury Facts



Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors and Perceptions among Georgia High School Students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2013 

2013 High School Obesity Fact Sheet 

2013 High School Physical Activity Fact Sheet 

Preliminary Reports

Middle School

2013 Georgia Middle School Questionnaire 

2013 Georgia Middle School Survey Summary 

2013 Georgia Middle School Detail Tables 

2013 Georgia Middle School Summary Tables 

2013 Georgia Middle School Trend Analysis Report 

2013 Georgia Middle School Graphs 

High School

2013 Georga High School Questionnaire 

2013 Georgia High School Survey Summary 

2013 Georgia High School Detail Tables 

2013 Georgia High School Summary Tables 

2013 Georgia High School Trend Analysis Report 

2013 Georgia High School Graphs 


Archived Reports

For more information on middle and high school student health data, please contact Alina Chung, MPH at or (404) 463-6580.




Page Last Updated 12/05/2018