Rett Syndrome: Clinical Trials

The NICHD conducts and supports a variety of clinical research related to Rett syndrome. Select a link below to learn more about these projects.

Featured NICHD Clinical Trials

  • Genetic and Physical Characteristics of Rett Syndrome Clinical Trial
    This study will gather information on the genetic defects that cause Rett syndrome, the physical expressions of these defects, and the disease's progression. The information gathered may direct the development of future treatments.
  • Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network Contact Registry External Web Site Policy
    The registry allows people with a specific rare disease or disorder, including Rett syndrome, to receive information about studies conducted by the network. Because of their rarity, researchers often have difficulty finding enough patients to study these diseases to better understand and, ultimately, to cure them.

NICHD Clinical Trials Search Results

Information on current NIH-sponsored clinical trials on Rett syndrome is available by following the link below or by calling 800-411-1222.

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