Division of Solid Waste

Program Description

Administration - This level of the program provides the support and the personnel to manage and direct the solid Waste Division (SWD). Tasks include maintenance of division records, developing and maintaining systems to gather program data and information, preparation and monitoring of contracts, monitoring design and construction of CIPs, and maintaining operation of a professional solid waste organization. This program is also responsible for:

  1. Overall administration of solid waste disposal programs
  2. Planning of new or expansion of solid waste disposal facilities and closure or post closure care for closed facilities.
  3. Research, planning and design of source reduction, recycling, special waste management, and public education/awareness programs.
  4. Promoting infrastructure, markets, and end uses for recycled materials.

Landfill Program - The Landfill Program provides for the disposal of residential and Subtitle “D” commercial solid waste at the Kekaha Phase II Landfill. The Landfill is operated utilizing County labor; with environmental monitoring, project management, and quality assurance and control provided by Waste Management Inc.

Greenwaste Diversion Program - The greenwaste Program was created to divert residential and commercial greenwaste from the landfill. The County currently accepts source-separated greenwaste for diversion at all four transfer stations and at the landfill.

Refuse Collections - All Kauai residents transitioned to automated refuse collection in July 2015.  Consisting of one truck driver, refuse is collected five days a week including holidays starting at 4:30 am and ending normally about 12:00 pm. There are eight main collectors servicing the entire island. Any questions, please call 241-4091.

Refuse Transfer Stations (RTS) - Operating hours are 7:15 am to 3:15 pm, 7 days a week except for County Holidays. A two-man crew staffs RTS's at Hanalei, Kapaa and Hanapepe; a three-man crew staffs the Lihue RTS. Collection crews deliver refuse to the RTS. Refuse is loaded into high cube (65 to 75 cubic yard capacity) trailers and delivered to the Kekaha Landfill.

Recycling and Waste Management Programs - This level of the program is responsible for implementing:

  1. Source reduction, reuse and recycling programs
  2. Special waste management programs including appliances, tires, household batteries, used motor oil, and household hazardous waste disposal.
  3. Public education/awareness program.

Program Objectives

  1. To maintain public health and safety
  2. Provide reliable and sustainable refuse collection, recycling, transfer, and disposal systems for management of solid waste on Kauai.
  3. Support the recovery of reusable or recyclable resources from the waste stream.
  4. Maintain the County Subtitle D landfill in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and County regulations.

Contact Information

Department of Public Works
Solid Waste Division

4444 Rice Street, Suite 295
Lihue, HI 96766

Tel: (808) 241-4839
Fax: (808) 241-6204

 Bookmark This Page: kauai.gov/publicworks/solidwaste

Kekaha Vertical Expansion Environmental Assessment

The existing Kekaha Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) is projected to reach capacity in 2019. Therefore, the County of Kauaʻi, Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Division, is proposing a vertical expansion. A Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared to identify and address potential environmental impacts of the proposed action. The purpose of the proposed action, to vertically expand the currently permitted Phase II area and the proposed Cell 2 lateral expansion, is to prolong the life of the KLF and provide for continued safe disposal of MSW on the Island of Kauaʻi.

A community meeting was held on Monday, July 22, 2013 at the Kekaha Neighborhood Center to obtain public input on the Draft EA. During the meeting, the proposed action was summarized, the EA process was explained, and the public was encouraged to provide comments on the Draft EA. Comments received at the meeting are listed in the document below.

Draft EA Public Meeting CommentsKekaha Vertical Expansion
Draft Environmental AssessmentKekaha Vertical Expansion
Vertical Expansion DEA PresentationPower Point Presentation for Public Meeting