Reporting Guidelines

SEER Program Coding Manual

The 2018 manual is to be used for cases diagnosed January 1, 2018 and forward.

Hematopoietic Project

Data collection rules for hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms for 2010+.

2018 Solid Tumor Rules

2018 Solid Tumor coding rules replace the 2007 MP/H rules for cases diagnosed 2018 and forward.

Tools & Software

Glossary for Registrars

Where terms are used, alternate names, abstractor notes, primary site and histology.

SEER*Rx - Drug Database

One-step lookup for coding oncology drug and regimen treatment categories.

SEER Abstracting Tool (SEER*Abs)

Used to collect and store data abstracted from patients' medical records.

Questions & Answers


Registrar Staging Assistant

Intended for use by cancer registrars to help assign Extent of Disease (EOD) 2018.

Summary Stage 2018

The most basic way of categorizing how far a cancer has spread from its point of origin.


Becoming a Cancer Registry Professional

Frequently asked questions and resources on becoming a CTR.

SEER Training Web Site

Web-based training modules for cancer registration and surveillance.

SEER*EducateExternal Web Site Policy

Online training platform for cancer registry professionals.