CAPS has Moved!

CAPS has Moved!

Information related to the CAPS transition from DFCS to DECAL

CAPS has Moved!

Effective December 18, 2017 ALL components of the CAPS program transferred from the Division of Families and Children Services (DFCS) to the Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL).

This transfer from DFCS to DECAL will not affect the financial support provided by CAPS because the program's policies and reimbursement systems remain the same.

In past years families worked with CAPS case managers at local DFCS offices to apply for and renew CAPS certificates. Now, a family applying for or receiving CAPS will engage with DECAL staff members. CAPS staff will not be located in DFCS offices although most DFCS offices will have computer kiosks that families can use to apply for and upload documents related to CAPS.

At DECAL, we have re-envisioned the CAPS program as a stronger component of the early education system – so instead of receiving "certificates" for child care, families will receive CAPS "scholarships", and CAPS becomes an important pathway to ensure access to high quality child care for CAPS families.

Under DECAL, families will interact with two main units of the CAPS program. The Scholarship Administration unit, based in Atlanta, will work with new applicants to determine eligibility for the program, renew CAPS benefits, and help select high quality child care.

Consultants with the Family Support unit will be assigned to families who live in their region of the state. These Family Support Consultants will work with and advocate for families, will help families if their situation changes, and will connect families with resources to help overcome obstacles to training or employment.

As always, DECAL remains committed to providing great service to children, to families, and to child care providers.

CAPS Transfer Info