Office of Audits

The Office of Audits provides Public Health leaders an independent and objective look at how well the department is progressing toward the achievement of its mission. This is accomplished by activities under three broad categories:

Assurance Services

The objective examination of evidence for the purpose of providing an independent assessment on governance, risk management and control processes. This includes reviews of various programs at the eighteen health districts, reviews of expenditure reports submitted by the districts, reviews of the independent audits conducted on the 159 health departments, reviews of the independent audits conducted on non-profits being funded by the department, reviews of department policies and reviews of department control processes. The purpose of the reviews is to assure that funds, property and other assets entrusted to DPH are safeguarded; that resources are effective and efficiently used; that applicable regulation, laws, policies, procedures and generally accepted accounting principles and standards are followed; and that funds are spent within authorized limits and intent. Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) are used to ensure reviews meet federal standards.

Advisory Services

Advisory services are agreed to by management and include:  advice to functional and program management regarding existing, proposed or revised processes and procedures and training of functional, program and district personnel on changes to procedures, internal control processes, laws and state and federal regulations.

Management Services

This includes: cost studies, investigations and assistance with external auditors of the department. The assistance with external audits usually involves reviewing responses to audit finding, helping with a dispute of a finding and/or audit financial settlement, providing guidance on documentation needed to address findings and acting as a liaison between the department and federal government.

In all endeavors the objective of the Office of Audits is to add value and to improve the departments operations. This is mostly accomplished through our monitoring of the department’s sub-recipients as required by the Single Audit Act.   For further information please see Georgia Department of Public Health Policies # AU-02001, AU-02002, AU-02003 and AU-02004. 





Page last updated 09/10/13