January 2017 DMID Council-Approved Concepts

Concepts represent early planning stages for program announcements, requests for applications, or solicitations for Council's input. If NIAID publishes an initiative from one of these concepts, we link to it below. To find initiatives, go to Opportunities & Announcements.

NB: Council approval does not guarantee that a concept will become an initiative.

Table of Contents

Fiscal Year 2018 Concepts

Fiscal Year 2018 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Contract Solicitation Topics

Partnerships for Development of Clinically Useful Diagnostics for Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacteria

For the published request for applications, see the June 1, 2017 Guide announcement, Partnerships for Development of Clinically Useful Diagnostics for Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacteria (R01).

Partnerships for the Development of Vaccines and Immunoprophylactics Targeting Multiple Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

For the published request for applications, see the May 31, 2017 Guide announcement, Partnerships for the Development of Vaccines and Immunoprophylactics Targeting Multiple Antimicrobial-Resistant Bacteria (R01).

Computational Software Development To Advance Translational Research for Infectious Diseases

For the published request for proposals, see the July 18, 2017 Solicitation of NIH and CDC for SBIR Contract Proposals.

Improved Diagnostics for Elimination Programs Targeting Malaria and Select Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)

For the published request for proposals, see the July 18, 2017 Solicitation of NIH and CDC for SBIR Contract Proposals.

Induction of Mucosal Immune Response to Parenterally Delivered Vaccines

For the published request for proposals, see the July 18, 2017 Solicitation of NIH and CDC for SBIR Contract Proposals.

Novel Vaccine Technologies and Strategies To Promote Sustained Vaccine Efficacy Against Malaria and Pertussis

For the published request for proposals, see the July 18, 2017 Solicitation of NIH and CDC for SBIR Contract Proposals.

Content last reviewed on July 20, 2017