Hazardous Waste Sites

Hazardous Waste Sites in Georgia

There are a variety of types of hazardous waste sites in the State of Georgia. These sites are important to the Chemical Hazards Program (CHP) because they are potential routes of exposure to chemical hazards. The public should not only be aware of, but also educated about, what is happening at sites in their area. The majority of public health assessments and consultations, technical assistance, and community education programs conducted by the CHP address a specific hazardous waste site. Listings of hazardous waste sites can be found below...

Federal Superfund

Superfund is the name given to the environmental program established to address abandoned hazardous waste sites. It is also the name of the fund established by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980. The Superfund cleanup process involves the steps taken to assess sites, and establish and implement appropriate cleanup plans. In addition, the Agency has the authority

  • to conduct removal actions where immediate action needs to be taken;
  • to enforce against potentially responsible parties;
  • to ensure community involvement;
  • involve states;
  • and ensure long-term protectiveness.

Georgia Hazardous Site Inventory

The Hazardous Site Inventory (HSI) is a list of sites in Georgia where there has been a known or suspected release of a regulated substance into the environment above a reportable quantity that have yet to show they meet state clean-up standards. 


Brownfields are abandoned, idle, or underused industrial and commercial properties where redevelopment is hindered by real or perceived environmental contamination. The federal Brownfields Redevelopment Initiative provides funds to clean up and reuse these sites.




Page last updated 02/23/16