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Research @ Census

Why Research Matters at the Census Bureau

Keeping pace with our dynamic economy and society constantly challenges the Census Bureau's data collections. Our users want more data, and want it sooner. The cost of using our existing methods keeps going up, while statistical budgets are tight. We stay current by making research the basis of everything we do at the Census Bureau. Our researchers explore innovative ways to conduct surveys, increase respondent participation, reduce costs, and improve accuracy. They analyze the data we collect and uncover trends that give us a deeper understanding of our complex society.

This investment in our nation's statistical infrastructure enables our leaders to make decisions based on the best information available. We've designed these pages to give analysts, academic researchers and policymakers improved access to the data tools and research they need to move our country forward.

Our Researchers

Our Researchers

Census researchers engage in challenging and rewarding work in a wide variety of fields with the goal of improving the quality and efficiency of Census Bureau censuses, surveys, and data products.

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Changing Research Environment

In response to the growing literature in mathematics, computer science and statistics, which suggests that traditional statistical disclosure limitation or disclosure avoidance methods may not be strong enough to protect public-use tabular and microdata releases in the future, the Census Bureau has launched a major effort to modernize. Our current efforts focus on the 2020 Census of Population and Housing, the American Community Survey, and the 2017 Economic Census. Eventually, we will extend them to all public-use products released under the Bureau’s Title 13 confidentiality pledge.

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Working Papers Working Papers
Explore the diverse array of research conducted at the Census Bureau.

Seminars Seminars
View upcoming seminars and register to attend.

Conferences Conferences
See what Census researchers presented at recent professional conferences.

Data Data
Learn about the data we offer for applied social science research.

Work With Us Work With Us
Find out how you can work with us in our mission to "Measure America."

Participate in Studies Participate in Studies
Help improve Census Bureau surveys and Websites by taking part in research opportunities.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Research and Methodology Directorate | | Last Revised: April 04, 2018